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bellco 3 June 1
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I heard all known forms of matter is closer to 4%.

Four percent or five: pretty much the tip of the iceberg (as an analogy).
However, the (rather long) article is about there being four known "fundamental" forces today. Electromagnetic, gravitational and the weak and strong nuclear forces. My conjecture is, that some people can generate a force that is different than these four.

@bellco That’s a lofty conjecture! I hope you can eventually test and prove it!


Interesting phenomenon

bobwjr Level 10 June 1, 2019

Well, I am impressed by John Hopkins. Meanwhile, I have to "build the tools, to build tools on the next level".
So, to finance my hoped for science project, I hope to write an article about the subject matter as a free-lancer to the Humanist magazine.Should that be accepted, I will try to leverage whatever is gained, by trading foreign currencies.

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Posted by SergeTafCamExciting times.

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