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Did we eat Neanderthals?

There is a theory which says that Neanderthals extincted because Homo Sapiens ate them.

NR92 6 July 11
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I do not believe anyone has eaten Trump yet.

EMC2 Level 8 July 20, 2019

I don't think anyone could stomach him.


i don't think that theory has anything backing it up. @EMC2 has described the situation correctly. there is no evidence that we ate any similarly advanced hominids (if any).


genessa Level 8 July 20, 2019

Neanderthals extinsion happend at sams time that homo sapiens reach to their territory, and there was rivalry between them over the resources and territory for long time.

Agreed, we mated with them which explains the DNA . There is very little evidence of cannibalism within tribes which again makes sense regarding survival of the species. It is shocking to think of one eating people they mate with. We out hunted them utilizing our brains and making weapons. We are cooked meat. We have them to thank for a wonderful lineage. If only all homo sapiens could realize the truth in science.

@NR92 it did not in fact happen at the same time we reached their territory. your first and second assertions are in conflict. how could there have been rivalry for a long time if their extinction happened at the same time we reached their territory? that makes NO sense. we coexisted for a period of time. i don't know what constitutes "long" but long enough to mate with them over a period of many generations, and we could not have done that if they went extinct just as we got there. we did not eat them, either; i have never heard a lick of evidence to support that. we may not even have outhunted them; if we intermingled and our genes were stronger, we just diluted them away. yes there would have been some rivalry; that goes without saying. there are even rivalries within exact species, so of course between similar species that are not exactly the same.



More likely because homo sapiens out hunted them. Neanderthals appear to have lived in individual families whereas homo sapiens lived in tribes. Neanderthals simply could not compete with tribal units and where driven away from the best food sources until they gradually went extinct.

Heraclitus Level 8 July 12, 2019

I read a little of the book”Sapiens” and it said Homo Sapiens learned to gossip and Neanderthals didn’t . Sounds crazy but they said there was other studies showing this. Anyway, this allowed them to sit around and gossip until they came to some sort of agreement and that was probably Neanderthals we’re bad. They could get together large groups were Neanderthals could only get together small clans. I’ve only read three chapters so far but if I understood it right then that could explain what happened! Im sure there are other ideas but that just seemed bazaar to me.

@bradnyijuan Funny you should mention it. I happen to be reading Sapiens, too. I think the point of gossiping is actually widespread social communication and information sharing that allows Homo Sapiens to develop complex language and act together in much larger groups than the more primitive clan and tribal limit of about 150 individuals. This also allowed the development of social myth-making which provided social cohesion of entire societies which Neanderthals were never able to do.

@Heraclitus do you like the book? I like it but it makes me feel hopeless. Homo Sapiens are so bad for our planet. The way we systematically cause extinction when we migrated all over the earth. I don’t think we’ll stop destroying our planet! I hope I’m wrong.

@bradnyijuan I very much like the insights it gives me, though it does not give me a lot of hope.


There's probably easier prey

MattHardy Level 7 July 11, 2019

Did we eat dinosours too? 😁😁

IamNobody Level 8 July 11, 2019

I don't think so. We bred with them and that is fact however we developed a much larger brain due to our ability to think and invent. In addition we may have brought a disease upon them, We have their DNA due to breeding. We were very much alike at that time. Just vulnerable to mother nature and who wins the survival game, We did, Homo Sapien This is us and all humans are of the same species.

EMC2 Level 8 July 11, 2019

The planet is full of animals that cannibalize their own.. It wouldn't surprise me a bit.

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