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The end of the universe

There are some errors/old and disproved stuff here and there, but the big picture is according to modern knowledge

Also it heps if you pay attention with the question of before big bang or beyond the border of space (both questions that do not make sense if you know what is time and what is space beyond our intuitive limited notions)

Pedrohbds 7 Sep 11
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Wow! So, basically, the universe will expand and shut off...eventually once all that energy is spent, gravity will take over,,,and after many billions of years, it will collapse and start over! Makes sense!

Robecology Level 9 Sep 12, 2019

if the current calculations of the cosmological constant are correct... NO, it will keep expanding until even the massive blackholes evaporate, the photons itself get cold, all in absolute zero, not changing anymore, not interacting with anything because the space between particles is growing faster than light speed. Maximum entropy achieved. Nothing more happens.

@Pedrohbds I'm sure I read or heard that once the energy subsided that it's quite possible that the cooled photons will then allow gravity to take over...essentially pulling all matter in the universe back to one spot...I

'm extrapolating/predicting here....

which would then explode and create another Big Bang.

@Robecology the problem is that at this point the expansion of the universe will be faster than c, so basically even if there is enough gravity, the particles won't be able ro reach each other.
That is the pont, space is being created, not just filled by big bang.

@Pedrohbds That's just a theory. I'm agnostic about that theory.


"Big picture" is something of an understatement! 🙂

Coffeo Level 8 Sep 12, 2019

The Universe has always been here - and always will be.

gater Level 7 Sep 11, 2019

I support the 'fluxuating universe" theory...that says the "big bang" wasn't the first...and won't be the last.

Robecology Level 9 Sep 11, 2019

Possible, but what has convinced you? (Other than wanting to believe in something more optimistic.)

@Heraclitus It's too simplistic to think that "before time and the universe existed" all matter was at a finite point and then exploded.

It's much more logical to allow that matter explodes, goes through stages, expands, dies (as all life appears to do) and then contracts (since the "Big Bang" energy has been used up, or converted to matter) into a dense...that it explodes again.

In other words, I don't think the "universe is only a few dozen billion years old. I think it's infinitely old, and has been doing this an infinite number of times.


@Robecology Well, first of all, the Big Bang Theory does not say that all matter existed at a finite point. There was no matter, just energy. Matter came later. And the "point" is really just a hypothetical singularity posited from backwards extrapolation of the expansion of the Universe. Don't take it too literally.

The fluctuating universe theory (or bouncing universe hypothesis) goes back at least as far as the possibility of the existence of white holes was put forward by Russian cosmologist Igor Novikov in 1964. White holes were predicted as part of a solution to the Einstein field equations known as the maximally extended version of the Schwarzschild metric describing an eternal black hole with no charge and no rotation. Personally, I would like to believe in it too, as the Big Bad Chill is just too dismal. But, I do not see the logic in believing in it just, well...hope for a brighter future.

@Heraclitus Point taken. Energy, was all - according to Big Bang theorists - at one finite and yet minuscule point...and then exploded.

Is it so far fetched to think that once the universe of stars run out of energy...or have all their energy turned to "matter" that that matter might have mass...and hence, gravity?

Might we further theorize that if the energy of the Big Bang is spent and it's all "matter" - all mass - that gravity takes over....and returns the far-flung universe to a central point once again?

And that matter; accelerating as it gathers...condenses in to a finite point - and by being compressed returns to its' energy state?

....and the Big Bang repeats itself? I and others (see/read the link above) have proposed has happened many, many, many times?

I think that's the most logical conclusion.

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