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Going back a ways for this one.

Surfpirate 9 Sep 15
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Going back a ways is where I find most of my music - and then it's a bunch of Canadian stuff I heard while growing up close to the border. And we're not even talking about the big exports, but acts like Harlequin, Headpins, Doucette, and Toronto. Probably gonna catch shit for this, but Streetheart's cover of Under My Thumb is better than the original.

Don't forget Trooper, the Canadian Party Band that is still going strong touring from coast to coast.

@Surfpirate Had their best of. Still love 3 Dressed Up As a 9 & We're Here For a Good Time.


Let me try this again, for the American viewers.

Surfpirate Level 9 Sep 15, 2018

I was about to post this. Thank you .. .... did you ever think Canadians are American's also? The America's are 39 countries

@zorialoki Considering that my people have been Canadian since 1753 and one of them may have been involved in burning down the White House back in the summer of 1814, ahh that would be a big Canadian NO! Eh?

@zorialoki I do get what you mean about the Americas, having lived in Canada, the US, Mexico, Nicaragua and Ecuador. It's just weird to hear it from an American, they are usually so egocentric about the USofA that they generally can't get their head around that concept. An American acquaintance in EC practically had a meltdown when I tried to explain this to him, he just didn't understand how there could possibly be an America outside of the US. lol

@Surfpirate Some of us actually attended class when we were getting our education

@zorialoki Those are the types of Americans that I count among my friends.

@Surfpirate Every Canadian I have ever met has been a friend to me. I hope you are one also

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