Grassroots Sustainability.

Fresh new ideas for creating a sustainable society at the individual, family and community level. Suggestions from members even if they haven't been able to iron out the bugs. Not for rehashing ideas that have been out there for a long time, though new ways of doing things are .. Read more

Fresh new ideas for creating a sustainable society at the individual, family and community level. Suggestions from members even if they haven't been able to iron out the bugs. Not for rehashing ideas that have been out there for a long time, though new ways of doing things are .. Read more


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Posted by kmazI recently had a couple of these signs made because sometimes in trying to make a plug available (or urge others to do so) there are some nuances that come up, such as you don't want to scare ...

Posted by JackPedigoCitizen Science [re-sources.

Posted by RugglesbyI feel like I should be living in my grandparents time.

Posted by JackPedigo[islandgrownsj.

Posted by walklightly1519 days after successfully escorting metgasco off the land: bentley of the northern rivers, nsw, australia - clear air, pure water, clean soil.

Posted by walklightly1519 days after successfully escorting metgasco off the land: bentley of the northern rivers, nsw, australia - clear air, pure water, clean soil.

Posted by walklightly1519 days after successfully escorting metgasco off the land: bentley of the northern rivers, nsw, australia - clear air, pure water, clean soil.

Posted by JackPedigoI saw this today and even though it is a bit old it applies especially these days. It referenced the "boiling Frog Syndrome" which I have posted several times.

Posted by farmboy2017I call this piece "The Jurists" I'll cast it in a few weeks.

Posted by farmboy2017I make cast iron sculpture by recycling old steam radiators and re- melting the iron. This tile is about 4" x6".

Posted by farmboy2017I make cast iron sculpture by recycling old steam radiators and re- melting the iron. This tile is about 4" x6".

Posted by farmboy2017An example of my work. Stoneware bowl fired in reduction.

Posted by farmboy2017A whole bunch of olla ready for the garden?

Posted by farmboy2017This is a one gallon olla used to irrigate garden plants. It works using capillary action. The vessel is porous and plant roots will wrap around it and drink from it!

Posted by farmboy2017I'm building a tiny house with an attached green house. It'll be off grid.

Posted by RugglesbySadly in suburbia these days, I did have a few acres on the coast a little further south 8 years back, sadly property settlements and so forth, so I start again - again - again.


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