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So, I called the show earlier. Dude needs to calm down, I really do exist.

Atheism illogical. People are accepted to be a style of god. It is NOT a word game as accused by matt dillhunty.

John 10:34. Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law,(A) ‘I have said you are “gods”’ 35 If he called them ‘gods,’ to whom the word of God☕ came—and Scripture cannot be set aside🍸...

Matt asks, does unicorn exist?

The Indian rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis), also called the Indian rhino, greater one-horned rhinoceros or great Indian rhinoceros, is a rhinoceros species native to the Indian subcontinent. It is listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List, as populations are fragmented and restricted to less than 20,000 km2 (7,700 sq mi). Moreover, the extent and quality of the rhino's most important habitat, the alluvial Terai-Duar savanna and grasslands and riverine forest, is considered to be in decline due to human and livestock encroachment. As of 2008, a total of 2,575 mature individuals were estimated to live in the wild.[1]

Rhinoceros are a group of extant species of herbivorous, odd-toed ungulates. The Rhinoceros are one of the last remaining of the Earth’s megafauna. The word Rhinoceros originates from Greek, Rhino meaning nose and Ceros meaning horn, thus nosehorn, thus are the Planet’s real-life unicorns! []!

Matt asks do fairies exist?

The Mymaridae, commonly known as fairyflies or fairy wasps, are a family of chalcid wasps found in temperate and tropical regions throughout the world. The family contains around 100 genera with 1400 species. Fairyflies are very tiny insects, like most chalcid wasps, mostly ranging from 0.5 to 1.0 mm long. Wikipedia

Atheism by definition and premise is illogical.

Word 8 Oct 11
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I remember that call. What were you truly trying to accomplish with that call?

Wildgreens Level 8 Oct 28, 2020

Let them know I really exist.

@Word We already are aware that humans exist. How are you any different than the rest of the humans? How is your existence more special?

@Wildgreens it's not, we have labelled ourselves as gods for longer than we have labeled ourselves as humans


Non-biblical reference that people are gods/ deity.

Word Level 8 Oct 13, 2020

What I can observe here as major issue is being accused of playing with words which is not a truthful accusation.

The issue could be properly addressed as I brought out in conversation in this discussion below. The original label in original language and original intent translated into English language gives for gods now being called humans, homo sapiens or people. The original language and intent most likely would be something different than what is meant in English as a God. It is not a word playing game as wrongfully accuse but a matter of correctly articulating the translation and then articulating how it would or would not apply to an issue of atheism in English.

Word Level 8 Oct 12, 2020

What is your point here? It appears that you do not like or agree that there are atheist. You are wrong. Is Santa real? As a mythological figure of course. That does not make him a magical being. You must have been very frustrated when Matt talked with reason. I am sorry you are not ready for this yet.


Do you even know what a word game is, and how pointless it is? To say that people are gods to say that gods exist is pointless and tiresome. When I heard you on the show, I knew immediately it had to be you.

Eazyduzzit Level 7 Oct 12, 2020

I find it tiresome when my daughter sits around talking about everyday goings on, he said, she said rumor , small town gossip stuff.

I personally do not like the word human, I find that tiresome as well that people constantly want to use the label human for people as if people are required to be labeled as human.


Matt tries to make some point that he could call his cup a God. It appears to me anyone could label anything as a God, but Matt seems to disagree that just labeling the cup as a God does not make it a God. However, he offers no definition for what a true God is. No true scotsman is a God? Or no true God is a scotsman?

The power of almighty God, the word. John 1:1 In the beginning was the word, the word was with God and was God. John 1:14 ... the word become flesh. (A person).

In view of biblical text a person is a true God, a cup or gold statue is not a true God.

If Matt wants to drink out of his god - cup, it doesn't bother me as long as he doesn't force me to drink his koolaid in his God.

God defined as a word of open definition and usage, in that any person could give any usage or define it in any way, whether logical, provable, real, surreal or not. 

There are some things labeled by this word that have more popularity than others. There are groups of people that give a certain definition to this word that they agree on and follow for that group. There are those that would say there is nothing in existence that this word would properly label. 

There are those that do not have evidence for a reason to label anything with this word. There are those that could never know what to label with this word. 

A very uncommon word for how it is used comes from Germanic origin of meaning to call or invoke and now in fact exist as a word in English spelt with the letters G, O, and D. 

Word Level 8 Oct 12, 2020

@TheMiddleWay no true scotsman can be a god or no true God can be a scotsman?

@TheMiddleWay I know, people want the whiz bang

@TheMiddleWay for sake of explaining one style of biblical god is a Caterpillar that is genetics to be come a butterfly still a butterfly?

The monarch butterfly, like other insects, has several life forms and stages prior to reaching adulthood. The monarch has four distinct life stages: egg, larva (caterpillar), pupa (chrysalis), and adult. › pollinators › biology
Monarch Butterfly Biology - Forest Service

"Child of God" is "Christian " terminology for a style of god in "human" form like a Caterpillar that is seen by atheist. It is the after death form of a style of god that atheist want to see.

A child butterfly is still a butterfly eventhought it is in a child Caterpillar stage. Theological whatatcha callit


Excuse of illogical atheist "cannot agree on a definition so it is not a meaningful conversation" . Sure the conversation may not be meaningful but that does not change truth and fact that they reject fact and truth.

Ad Hoc Rescue
ad hoc

(also known as: making stuff up, MSU fallacy)

Description: Very often we desperately want to be right and hold on to certain beliefs, despite any evidence presented to the contrary. As a result, we begin to make up excuses as to why our belief could still be true, and is still true, despite the fact that we have no real evidence for what we are making up.

It is not a matter that definitions must be "agreed upon" and an illogical point of ad hoc fallacy. The point is that a definition was presented that the label, the thing labelled and the definition of that thing all exist. That is the truth of the matter, their rejection of such fact does not change the fact.

Word Level 8 Oct 12, 2020

What is first? We have a "thing". We give it a label "God". The definition of the thing labelled would be its description. Gods are called by other label as in more recent years here is how they describe us with newer labels.

History of Discovery:
Unlike every other human species, Homo sapiens does not have a true type specimen. In other words, there is not a particular Homo sapiens individual that researchers recognize as being the specimen that gave Homo sapiens its name. Even though Linnaeus first described our species in 1758, it was not customary at that time to designate type specimens. It is rumored that in 1994 paleontologist Robert Bakker formally declared the skull of Edward Drinker Cope as the “lectotype”, a specimen essentially serving as the type specimen. When Cope, himself a great paleontologist, died in 1897, he willed his remains to science, and they are held by the University of Pennsylvania. But a type specimen must be one examined by the original author who names a species, so Cope’s remains do not qualify. [].


After I reviewed video, I think I caught 2 red herring. Would you say the questions about unicorm and fairies is illogical atheist red herring fallacies?

Then as establishment for 1000s of years, people are gods that Matt now in video labels us gods as humans saying we are not gods.

I take a label that has been established for 1000s of years and some illogical atheist wants to disregard the label and replace the label with a new word that has only been around for about 500 years. Human etymology

human (adj.)

mid-15c., humain, humaigne, "human," from Old French humain, umain (adj.) "of or belonging to man" (12c.), from Latin humanus "of man, human," also "humane, philanthropic, kind, gentle, polite; learned, refined, civilized." This is in part from PIE (dh)ghomon-, literally "earthling, earthly being," as opposed to the gods (from root dhghem- "earth" ), but there is no settled explanation of the sound changes involved. Compare Hebrew adam "man," from adamah "ground." Cognate with Old Lithuanian žmuo (accusative žmuni) "man, male person." Human interest is from 1824. Human rights attested by 1680s; human being by 1690s. Human relations is from 1916; human resources attested by 1907, American English, apparently originally among social Christians and based on natural resources. Human comedy "sum of human activities" translates French comédie humaine (Balzac); see comedy.

@themiddleway who is playing word games?

Word Level 8 Oct 12, 2020

@TheMiddleWay he asked the questions, I answered the questions and he brings up no other point for asking the questions.

@TheMiddleWay Michael Jordon basketball God next to fat man like me, my "humaness" is not flying thru the air like basketball God.

@TheMiddleWay by biblical text statement, "sons of god manifested on of great renown. Means popular. Above human not specifically mentioned.

@TheMiddleWay ontological theological reality. Is that the biblical text is saying "humans" in all their "humanness " are gods, child even, that in one style of arguement is like the stages if butterfly. Atheist may only see human as Caterpillar humans but know see the butterfly God after death.

I am not saying this is my "belief" that people are as if "butterfly" gods after death, but this is one style biblical text is explaining.

@TheMiddleWay is there different types of theological senses?

@TheMiddleWay what makes a secular dictionary definition in writting to be "true"?

@TheMiddleWay I clearly point out that unicorn exist, it is even considered to be the unicorn of biblical text that others out side of biblical text has made it into a mythological character.

You and Matt are saying that because "human" Harry Potter is a "human" doing whiz bang that means "real" humans do not exist.

Maybe state it this way, In view of the mythological unicorn, the unicorn rhinoceros cannot exist because it does not met the true definition of a mythicalunicorn?

@TheMiddleWay for theological whatacallit can we understand and agree without dispute of its existance as purported the Christian "child of god" style god. What you see as a "human" is a God in the stage analogy to a Caterpillar. Then after death the Christian says they are the transformation into the adult butterfly.

Now are you saying that because we cannot verify the adult after death butterfly stage of a Christian god, that we cannot properly call christian a god at all? This is the death reason as written for Jesus character calling himself a "son of god" and the people he called gods killed him because by him calling himself a son of god is the same as saying he was a butterfly in a Caterpillar stage. They disagreed that he was a butterfly thus killing him for blasphemy.

@TheMiddleWay You know the Caterpillar/butterfly analogy is Egyptian right and the basis for christianity? Pharaohs die translation into the here after. Jesus is purported to be Osiris horus reincarnated myth come to pass.

Isaiah 19:25
The LORD Almighty will bless them, saying, "Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance."

Matthew 5:17 Don't think that I came to destroy the law or the. prophets.

John 14:9 ...Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?

There are many striking parallels between the myth of Osiris and the New Testament record of Jesus. []

John 1:1 and 1:14 explains the parallels. The old Testament thoughts LOGOS become flesh.

The myth in the thoughts is purported to become flesh reality. Biblical theme the power of word(s), spoken.

Jesus character "son of man" man made because the old testiment people- man - gods spoke from their logis-thought filled with myth stories to create Jesus character.

@TheMiddleWay science's name for it is UNICORNIS rhinoceros. Science clearly acknowledged it is a unicorn

@TheMiddleWay I really have to question you on science called it unicornis but you say it is not recognized as a unicorn. I really need further understanding of your position on that.

@TheMiddleWay Correct. If Resurrection is one of the defining qualities of a god, and we cannot verify that resurrection, then we cannot verify that God

I can agree as to verfication of that god that a definition is given.

My point is:we have definition right? You say we have definition with out verfication right, my entire point is we have definition. Wheither or not verfied, we have a given definition do we or do we not have a given definition?

@TheMiddleWay matt did not clarify he was talking about the mythological unicorn. I obviously was talking about the real existent labelled unicorn that has only one horn.

@TheMiddleWay No true God is anything other than mythological? No true scotsman can be a true god ?

@TheMiddleWay I want to make sure, there is a species of animal that has 2 horns. It is one type of rhino. Another species of rhino has only 1 horm. Uni is one, corn is horn. One horn, unicorn? A unicorn animal exist. A one horned animal really exist.

@TheMiddleWay The biblical unicorn is the real, existent unicorn of the rhino.

From the context of the word unicorn in the Bible, we can conclude that the unicorn was an animal of great strength, similar to bulls and bullocks, with a notable horn. We can also conclude that it was not a domesticated animal used to till the fields.

The answer to the question “Are there unicorns in the Bible?” is yes, but no one knows for sure what the Biblical unicorn really looked like. Most scholars agree the unicorns mentioned in the Bible were either a type of wild ox – as the Hebrew name suggests – or a one-horned rhinoceros as the Greek suggests. Nearly everyone agrees that the Biblical unicorn is unlikely to match our image of the mythical unicorn


@TheMiddleWay unicorm could be a equivocation fallacy. The context of the conversation that I had with Matt was about biblical text. Matt pulls a question in the conversation about some with more than one possible definition. Because the conversation was about biblical text definitions, I gave him the biblical text version of a unicorn that really exist. Matt was trying to pull the: In logic, equivocation is an informal fallacy resulting from the use of a particular word/expression in multiple senses within an argument. It is a type of ambiguity that stems from a phrase having two or more distinct meanings, not from the grammar or structure of the sentence. Wikipedia

We were not having a discussion about mythological labels in a mythological context.

Matt is typical illogical atheist.

@TheMiddleWay did I lose you some where? You pointed out equivocation Jesus of Mexico and Jesus of Israel biblical text. This I find was not a correct evaluation of the situation that happened in the context of biblical definition discussion with Matt.

I brought out use of biblical definitions and was speaking of how biblical text defines things. I was not talking about mythological definitions of things.

Matt, in the context of biblical definition discussion, asks about unicorns existence. I give the biblical discussion definition use of unicorn and it being the real animal.

Matt was not talking about the real use of unicorn for a real animal, he goes into mythological use of the word unicorn. He does not clarify his change from real biblical definitions discussion to using definition from a mythological cartoon.

@TheMiddleWay call me human is no different. It appears for 1000s of years Elohim are the label given by Israeli government laws for their citizens. Elohim translated into English is God.

Where is word game?

Why call me human , sounds just like word games that I am and everyone is being required to be labeled as a human.

@TheMiddleWay I get you and Matt's accusation of "word game". Some how pun with words or something. I am just not understanding or getting your definition for "word games". In the context of me explaining citizens of Israel be labeled as Elohim - Gods in English. Pointing out this labeling fact. How is that word games, what is you definition of word games so I can actually specifically understand your label of a word game player.

@TheMiddleWay let us not discuss existence of 'God(s)" let us discuss existence of elohim. Do elohims exist? Is there a difference in discussion?

@TheMiddleWay can we translate into Hebrew and discuss the existence of Elohim in Hebrew. I do not know much Hebrew. How does the discussion change, or not, if all our words are written discussion in Hebrew? How would we specifically seperate the Greek style God from a Hebrew style God when speaking Hebrew?

@TheMiddleWay "If" we decided while speaking Hebrew that Elohim does exist, how do we transform that into English?

@TheMiddleWay I appears to me elohim in Hebrew exist to label citizens of the nation prior to 2000 years ago.

The error is translation of Elohim into English as God. That is a translation error, right? Jesus character and Israeli people would be an Elohim, to debate Jesus character in context of English God would be fallacy because Jesus character was an Elohim not a god.

@TheMiddleWay If you were Israeli, hebrew and invaded in your land and forced to change languages. Your elohim is not absolutely exactly translatable into the new forced language. How do you preserve the intended meanings of orginal language when forced to use another?

Example: ruach is a force like breath
In English spirit is used, but no one thinks of kinetic energy of air molecules leaving the lungs.

@TheMiddleWay I was just sitting around contemplating then seen your most recent message just now.

"I don't know what else to tell you Bro. I think the disconnect is in you looking at existing as it exists on paper while we looking at existence as it exists outside of paper, in reality."

You use "disconnect", what I was thinking before noticing your statement was the "connect" as opposed to a disconnect. A connection is words. Words are in reality. Words exist. But this is not the point, yet.

There has been those calling ourselves gods for 1000s of years. As in video with Matt saying it is acceptable to call the dude homo sapian but not god, is an error.

As I said, there are those that has been labeling ourselves as gods before we labeled ourselfs homo sapiens.

The only thing modern terminology of homo sapian attempts to do is "standardized " what we call ourselves so that someone cannot make a hyperbole or exaggeration for what homo sapian can do. Where as with the terminology of us being gods, Atheist can says the only "true" God is non-existant pasta in the sky with meatballs therefore we can no longer after 1000s of years refer to ourselves as gods but we must by this force of atheist dictates label ourselves as homo sapiens.

Otherwise, it's not a play on words, that is really that "God" [the English word] has different standards of what it can be used as a label for. Homo sapian is a label that by having its stricter form of standard could be more appropriate to label us as but does not change the fact we can and do exist as we are labelled being able to be both gods and homo sapian. I as others exist, I as others are labeled as a God, atheism wrong.

@TheMiddleWay just to add, this is something of a theme of the biblical text and why biblical text establishes that god is a person and a person is a God. God by biblical text is not supposed to be something like a golden statue, biblical text is about standardizing that gods are people and people are gods.

@TheMiddleWay Matt[and illogical atheist] tries to assert it is false to call us gods. We can truly be and are gods it is the assertion or assignment of attributes that may be false. Atheism illogical.

@TheMiddleWay I would have to dig for reference but thinking of old written text that says Angels [means messagers] are the stars in the sky singing.

Why do we labeled modern musicians singing their message as "rock stars"?

@TheMiddleWay Hows about some music?

@TheMiddleWay as I have used it before, basketball god Michael Jordon a homo sapian can fly thru the air and dunk a basketball. My fat butt being a God and homo sapian is not capable of flying thru the air to dunk a basketball, I am not a basketball God. I am not a homo sapian of Michael Jordon capabilities.


Thought experiment? Omnipresent style God present at every finite point for infinity in every direction? Decides to use all powerfulness to be in the shape of a homo sapian and hang out with other people in the same form. How would it display omnipresent while hanging on a cross while the homo sapian form is appearing to, as purported, to be dying.

Bible Verses About Jesus Christ Fully Man Fully God
Bible verses related to Jesus Christ Fully Man Fully God from the King James Version (KJV) by Relevance - Sort By Book Order

Colossians 2:9 - For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

John 10:28-30 - And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any [man] pluck them out of my hand. (Read More...)

John 1:14 - And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

Isaiah 9:6 - For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

John 1:1-5 - In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.


@TheMiddleWay As I have explained many times on here. Jesus character is man made and the text gives us this clue to understand. Jesus character refers to himself as "son of man".

"The expression "the Son of man" occurs 81 times in the Greek text of the four Canonical gospels, and is used only in the sayings of Jesus.[3] " wikipedia

Son of man = product of mankind = man made.

Watch the movie "Stranger than fiction ". With actor Will Ferrell (2006).

The simularity is of the movie and how biblical theme required Jesus character to "fulfill " old testiment prophesy.

@TheMiddleWay What is the reference I gave to Matt that is established? John 10:34 Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said you are “gods”’[a]? 35 If he called them ‘gods,’ to whom the word of God came—and Scripture [what is in writting] cannot be set aside

Homo sapiens (n.)
the genus of human beings, 1802, in William Turton's translation of Linnæus, coined in Modern Latin from Latin homo "man" (technically "male human," but in logical and scholastic writing "human being;" see homunculus) + sapiens, present participle of sapere "be wise" (see sapient).

We are only homo sapiens because [what is in writting] etymology cannot be set aside?

@TheMiddleWay I think the true disconnect is with illogical atheist being like Greek people culture preconceived concepts trying to understand Hebrew language style God that is not thr same as a Greek language and style of god.


Fast forward to 1 hour 24 minutes

The Atheist Experience 24.41 with Matt Dillahunty & Paulogia []

Word Level 8 Oct 12, 2020

If one style of god were to exist: #1. it could show that another style of god could NOT exist. #2. It would not be required to show any other style of god exist only that it exist. It only takes one style of god to show atheism wrong. It is not required to show all styles exist.

If people being a style of god and people have a measurement of power they then can show that all-powerfulness is not existent at same time? Or, would all-powerfulness still be all-powerfulness?

Word Level 8 Oct 12, 2020

@TheMiddleWay what are the required properties of "your god" or anyone's god?


@themiddleway I would still like to know an explination of the biblical text being used as a form of definition to be word games?

What is the different definitions given for the standard that a God must be? Thor, invisable pasta in the sky with meatballs, Zues, people, Jesus character, judges, pharaoh, gold statue.

Some definitions opposes other definitions. Biblical definition says gods must be people and not gold statue.

Atheist definition of pasta in the sky with meatballs says it must be invisible.

All-powerful definition says that nothing can define the all-powerfulness for purposes of forcing the all powerfulness to be conformed to that given definition.

Does all-powerfulness exist if ANYTHING has any power of it's own? Can all-powerfulness still exist where something else has a small portion of it's own power?

Does the above list of styles of gods exhibit all-powerfulness? Zues style god is purported to be tricked by humans.

Each style God has it's own definition. People are a definition of a style of God. Atheism illogical.

Word Level 8 Oct 12, 2020

@TheMiddleWay ...", it doesn't prove that we share any of the characteristics of being a god."

If we put a label on something and saying "this thing so label, such as with the word human or god, that thing is the definition for the label" . So it would not appear to me that there is any reason or requirement to prove anything fits a label with some preconceived characteristics for that label.

@TheMiddleWay as with Matt in video he pick up a drinking cup and says calling it a God is not correct.

I can understand that to pick up the cup and call it a car tire attaching those car tire attributes to calling the cup a car tire would be considered incorrect. But, it seems to me the nature of the word God is that it could be attached to anything and given any attribute. Forsure, attributes attributed with a God thingie may be seen as false attributes.


Potato, potato, tomato tomato. Know what I mean? I say, "I do not believe in the existence of humans". People are Gods, not humans. Human do not exist. Atheism illogical.
We ask, "what is a god?" Let us look for definition​s that gives us an indication​ of what a god is. Bluh, bluh, bluh we find Harry Potter movie says a style of god can do whiz bang. Biblical text says regular people would be a style of god. In view if Harry Potter style definition​ we cannot find any Harry Potter style god existing. But we look for biblical definition​ of a style of god and find the regular people do exist.

Word Level 8 Oct 11, 2020

the accusation​ of "Word games". How is it word games in view of John 10:34 that says "ye are gods" referring to people?

Word Level 8 Oct 11, 2020

Really you apparently have no idea how much of an unthinking zealot you appear to be. Please just stop. If you had any idea what you are talking about you would be too embarrassed to ever post here again.

@DavidLaDeau I have no reason to be embarrassed here. But thanks for your concern.

@TheMiddleWay in my other message I used preconceived characteristics you are applying when the word god is used to label something saying it is a God. I think this is part of where you think I am playing word games. It is like a person label the cup as a God, to them and I am like ok, that is his god and the cup labeled is given as the definition for how it is shaped and exist. It is the same thing the Masonic lodge secret religion racist devil worshippers do for their "higher power" that is interchangeable with or has a connotation of God in the notion or definition you think a non-existent God is. As a practice of accepting anything labeled to be a God thingie, "higher power" is that Masonic lodge secret religion racist devil worshippers are not putting preconceived notions with their labeling something a God thingie. They accept world wide over all anything, religion etc. that is not atheist unless atheist can articulate "higher power" of some sort, I guess. At least I had one Masonic lodge secret religion racist devil worshipper governmental terrorist explain that it was acceptable for them to call a cup their "higher power" just so they accepted something as a "higher power". I am sure in some places the temples have only specific religious people ,like Christian only, attending their meetings.


Wow... I...This...You know... Just takes my breath away.

jeshuey Level 8 Oct 11, 2020
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Posted by jeshueyWell doh!

Posted by KhaCRMy original profile got suspended and Idk why. Created another to keep sharing!

Posted by Wildgreens😂🤣😂🤣 Imaginary Jesus

Posted by WildgreensWhen you carry a Bible..🤣😂🤣 The devil gets a headache.. What if the devil is a SHE? I’m guessing everyone is entitled to have a wild imagination.🤣😂 Even if is nonsense. 🤣🤣

Posted by WildgreensChristianity

Posted by OldMetalHeadYeah. Tell me again how Neil is not an atheist

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Posted by jeshueyFrom me, to Y'all...

Posted by WildgreensThe very concept..

Posted by WildgreensThe Government

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Posted by jeshueyThe Lord does have a point...

Posted by WildgreensHey I just..

Posted by WildgreensSo, why is everyone..

Posted by TimeOutForMeNot afraid of imaginary friends/gods.

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