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A Great Response to Pascal's Wager - Atheist Experience

Why Pascal's Wager isn't valid

Atheist Debates - Pascal's Wager

(Does his voice sound a bit off to you guys?)
phxbillcee 10 Sep 3
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another great vid by this guy, with regard to his voice....not BBC quality, Finger Pointing to the Moon - Bruce Lee missing the point !!!!


Here are my 10 arguments against Pascal's Wager:

  1. Even if there is a God, what makes you think God would condemn you to eternal torment simply because you can not force yourself to believe in a particular version of Him/Her/Them/It? Who told you that, and why did you believe it? Not only is it absurd, but it's not actually in the Bible, you know. Even if there is a God, don't you really think, yea verily, don't you deep down feel, that this must be a false god?

  2. This is MOST important. One cannot force oneself to believe in God, or a god, if one truly does not believe. It simply can not be done. Try it. Let's start with a deity-like figure called Santa Claus. (He knows when you are sleeping. He knows when you're awake. He knows when you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake!) Can't do it, can you? Can't do it with The Great Pumpkin either, right? OK, now try it with Baal, Zeus, Thor, Osiris, or any of a thousand other mythical gods. No luck there either, right? Just can't force yourself to do it. You can fake it, pretend to believe, lie to yourself and others, live a life of blatant hypocrisy, but you cannot really believe no matter how many times you hit your head against the wall. Not only your brain, but your heart won't let you do it.

Now suppose I am a true believer in Woden/Odin and tell you that, just to be on the safe side, you better offer up an altar sacrifice to Woden/Odin least He condemn you to freeze forever in a Scandinavian hell. Would you go out and offer a blood sacrifice to Woden/Odin, just in case? No, of course, you wouldn't. The whole idea is just so absurd as not to be contemplated. So, why are you even considering something similar for the ancient tribal volcanic Hebrew god Jehovah/Yahweh, god of fire and brimstone, burning bushes, and a volcano-like hell buried in the bowels of the earth? Only one reason, right? Because you were raised to believe in such a god. There is no other reason.

OK, Pascal's Wager, if taken seriously, is so absurd on face value that one could simply stop there. But frankly, this is too much fun to stop short, and this brings us to the important concepts of Salvation/Justification.

  1. SALVATION BY HYPROCISY If there is a God, do you truly believe that God would reward you with heaven for living a life that is a total lie? Really?

  2. SALVATION BY WAGER OR BETTING. Do you really think you can hedge a bet with an omniscient, all-powerful deity and win the bet? Really? Do you think you can fool God that you really believe in Him if you don't? If God can be fooled, then He is not God. Even Santa Claus would not fall for this.

  3. SALVATION BY FEAR. The real reason you are contemplating pretending to believe in such a God is fear of hell, right? So, God will reward all those who live a life of fear and trembling with heaven, and the rest of us who are not so traumatized are punished with hell. Really?

  4. JUSTIFICATION BY HATRED. Such a god, who would condemn his own creation, or "children", to eternal torment for simply being the way he created them, (remember you cannot force yourself to believe in such a God, you can only fake it) is truly a god of hatred. And you want to worship and be justified by such a god. Really? Sounds like a false god to me. And that would make you an idolator, and idolators go to hell.

Also, these concepts are not even biblical. (1 John 4:8 ) Funny how many "Christians" who swear the bible is the word of God, don't think it is important enough to read.

While we are being biblical, this concept of hell is not found anywhere in the Old Testament. There are references to Sheol, the Realm of the Dead, which is similar to Hades, the Underworld, of the Ancient Greeks. Some even suspect the Hebrews took this idea from the Ancient Greeks. Christians later superimposed their concept of hell upon Sheol. But where did this truly torturous modern concept of hell in all its agonizing glory really come from? It came from Dante's Inferno. Where did Dante get it from? He got it from Persian Zoroastrian mythology. So, maybe the "Christians" who are preaching this to you are going to burn in hell for preaching Zoroastrianism in the name of Christianity? (Just saying)

  1. SALVATION BY POLYTHEISM. Which god should we then worship? It is said that the believer does not believe in 10,000 gods, while the atheist does not believe in 10,001 gods. To take Pascal's Wager seriously you would have to become a polytheist and worship all gods. And while you are at it, how about making an idol to Agnostos Theos, the Unknown God. (Acts 17:23) BTW, polytheists, per Christianity, go to hell, too.

  2. I love this one. Note that Pascal's Wager asks what you have got to lose if you fake it for fear's sake? I'll tell you what you have to lose:

A life of honesty, a life of sincerity, a life of authenticity, a life of happiness, and a life that is worth living. If you fake it you will live a life of fear, repression, dishonesty, hypocrisy, and regret, or in other words:

You will live a life in your own personal hell.


So Lisa tells the guy he's right and she totally gets it, then says she going to pray for him? She sounds completely lost in the sauce!


All good. This is my favorite on this topic.

Excellent! & comprehensive!


That's an excellent response to Pascal wager. I think the voices are artificially generated

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