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When I first came out as an atheist earlier this year, The Atheist Experience YouTube show was extremely helpful in my new journey. I still enjoy it and learn from them.

Friendlyatheist 4 Oct 4
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Been listening to them for years. They are very good and I have "borrowed" a few of their arguments against superstition. (yes, I give them credit when "borrowing" It is interesting how things have changed over the years.


That is a great show.

Here is the link.

My favorites are

Godless Engineer




These folks inspired my favorite YouTube channel

I am very familiar with all of the above except for Bionicdance, I will have to check it out.

@Happyheretic Bionic Dance is the one who inspired me the most to start my own channel. I did borrow certain elements from her though my skill level certainly lacks and my content is very different. I just wore her t-shirt in one of my recent videos! P.S. I appreciate any comments made about my videos as they help me to improve!

I have not come across your YouTube channel but I will fix that very soon.

@Happyheretic It is not like most atheist channels. I try to empathize and relate to theist and simplyexpress why I could not longer believe in god. I hope the questions I asked. I hope to inspire people to evaluate what is real and not real. What theydo with that is their choice. I do not attempt to MAKE anyone an atheist only to inspire reason.


I am learning here... I was not aware that so many people have to make a tremendous effort and go through a lot of pain to extract themselves from the religious muck. Enjoy the exploration of a new world without gods, devils, angels or other mythical creatures.


I hope this site can be of help as well. Welcome!

phxbillcee Level 10 Oct 4, 2018

the link did not post

@DavidLaDeau I didn't post a link! I meant that I hoped OUR site., could be of help.

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Posted by jeshueyWell doh!

Posted by KhaCRMy original profile got suspended and Idk why. Created another to keep sharing!

Posted by Wildgreens😂🤣😂🤣 Imaginary Jesus

Posted by WildgreensWhen you carry a Bible..🤣😂🤣 The devil gets a headache.. What if the devil is a SHE? I’m guessing everyone is entitled to have a wild imagination.🤣😂 Even if is nonsense. 🤣🤣

Posted by WildgreensChristianity

Posted by OldMetalHeadYeah. Tell me again how Neil is not an atheist

Posted by yikes9o9Nazi Germany was a Christian movement. They seem to leave that part out a lot. 🤔🤫

Posted by WildgreensI gave you free will..

Posted by jeshueyFrom me, to Y'all...

Posted by WildgreensThe very concept..

Posted by WildgreensThe Government

Posted by WildgreensAtheist and Christmas

Posted by jeshueyThe Lord does have a point...

Posted by WildgreensHey I just..

Posted by WildgreensSo, why is everyone..

Posted by TimeOutForMeNot afraid of imaginary friends/gods.

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