Tough night.
:Yesterday, I went to an appointment with a new, enthusiastic endocrinologist for my diabetes care. We talked, he reset ny pump for night time doses.I promised to test more and use insulin even for my night time snack. OK.
The Chihuaua Early Warning System got me out of bed at 2:30 am . I knew I was in trouble because i was shaking and sweating and my knees were like rubber. I could barely get my testing stuff together. My blood sugar was 60.
I sat and stared off into the distance for a while.
Got a banana but only could eat half. Could not find my jar of honey. Brendan came downstairs and found a jar of honey. I had two teaspoons full. I get desperate when my BG is that low.
I did not connect the pump, so in the morning BG was 180.
So here is my artithmatic:
60 + half a banana + 2 testpoons of honey = 180. I can live with 189. I cannot live with 60, but I reconnected the pump.
Coffee now.