2 1

Not Type I but Type II - however need to learn more about controlling hypoglycemia because I keep hitting new lows.

Any recommendations for foods that bring you up fast would be of use.

I'm using juice and adding juice ice cubes to my water when I do any activity that might lower my glucose. I'm kind of tired of having to eat all the time - but that might be my new normal.

Hope you don't mind my hanging out even though I'm not a Type I. I do have a very good friend who is - and has been since the age of 21. (In fact I helped get her diagnosed).

I was hypoglycemic in my teens - so I'm familiar with how crappy you feel when it happens. Would like some better solutions than what I currently have.

RavenCT 9 Nov 15
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Skittles. I have packages everywhere so I can get to them right away. Sometimes a few or also half the package.

Sydland Level 7 Nov 26, 2018

Hmm Skittles? Candy made with sugar! Gees. I think of that as cheating but I'm hitting so many lows it could be handy right now! Thanks.

@RavenCT It’s not cheating when your blood sugar is dropping.

@Sydland A few friends are now keyed in and I heard "Get some food now!" when I started typing gibberish a few nights ago. Could not get the correct motor response to my fingers.

I'm sure that sounds familiar. I did not need to test to know to go get some sugar in some form.

I really hate getting that low though. I can literally say outloud "Gee I need to eat" and then sit there another five minutes (or however long) before I do it? Definitely effects my brain function in a big way when I go below 80-something and in the 70s I barely make sense.

@RavenCT Yes I’ll be trembling for an hour and then realize what it is. Since I have anxiety I mistake low bs for that.

@Sydland I now know I hot flush when I go low. I'm also in Peri-menopause.


I do wear a TON of cotton. Bamboo is awesome btw.

@RavenCT Bamboo? For hot flashes?

@Sydland Bamboo clothing and sheets! Bamboo sheets are awesome at heat regulation.

And bamboo jammies.

The clothing is so far outside my price range! lol But the one pair of jammies is awesome.

@RavenCT ahhhh. Good to know.


I drop Rapidly with No realization I am Low, 1 1/2 table spoon of white sugar and 15 mins usually I am back in a Good range, then though 1 slice of bread and protein or sugar will go to 20 White Sugar is My BEST Friend

It never occurred to me. I've been using glucose tablets. (And I always feel like I'm going "Nom nom nom" through the whole thing.). But of course I'm low at the time.

@RavenCT Tab's are Great, but white in My Opinion is the quickest to get in my bloodstream Raven, BEST of LUCK