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When David Cameron allowed the 2016 Referendum to go ahead[ he did it mostly to relieve pressure from FR Brexiteers] he did not realize that it would release an army of FR followers who once they got their 17 million sheep followers thought that was all they had to do, because it was DEMOCRACY with bells on. It allowed them to put us all into this mess and most people got into a ‘Funk’ not knowing what to do. They neglected the fact that all they had to do was allow the full facts about the EU to emerge [ something both EU and UK governments have not allowed to happen for 40 years ] using millions of questions and BEFORE a second confirmatory referendum. No matter how many times TM said we are leaving 29 3 at 11 pm it was bound to be inadequate. We must get the extra length extension to start the processes again. We ARE Learning what democracy is but its teachers must be more awake to the dangers of what has happened in the UK. BTW I predict a new political system within a few years

Mcflewster 8 Mar 30
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Sadly whatever happens the one thing that will not happen is better democracy.

Fernapple Level 9 Mar 31, 2019

Are you a prophet [there are plenty of these on this site] or a scientist? [there are not enough of these on this site]

@Mcflewster No just a sad old bloke.

@Mcflewster But iI will quote you a post I made the other day.

It may happen, it may not happen, if it does it will most likely be all of the above working together, plus some others like resource exhaustion, grid breakdown etc. Few things in history occur for single simple reasons, historians have found forty plus reasons why the Roman Empire ended, most of which could never have been foreseen and all of which contributed.

But if you want to know the future then you can try a fortune teller, or a futurologist, neither work but they are your best shot. When at college forty years ago we went to a lecture given by a government advisor, very senior, who job was to predict future trends for the government, we were told that it was very special that he agreed to talk to us. Over the years I remember how many of the things he said came true; exactly none. History is chaotic and all attempts to foresee it are doomed to fail.

@Fernapple He had access to a lot of data some of which he memorised as conclusions so why should not some come true? depends on how good a civil servant scientist he was.

Some things happen PURELY by chance. e.g. even though she drives in ministerial car she could STILL get killed in an accident Ref Prince Philip. Everyone on the road IS at greater risk than at home.

Give science another chance? I have not given up on you!

@Mcflewster You misread me I am sorry to say, science is my greatest passion and the way that I see the world. If anything my view as presented here was mainly influenced by chaos theory, which deeply affected my thinking many years ago partly because of events like the one described. Part of my point was that we were told that he was a very top government employee, though certainly no scientist, or a very bad one since I would hope that no scientist would have the dishonesty to speculate like that about the future, since that would be the very opposite of true science.

@Mcflewster If you would like to know about my thoughts on science a other things a good way would be to look at my debate with Skado on this post. Warning it is a long debate so sit back for a good read. []

@Fernapple Have done.

It is up to us! That IS democracy.


All I want at the moment is a second referendum and there is no moral reason why it should not happen.

Mcflewster Level 8 Mar 30, 2019

We cannot have a second referendum, it would be undemocractic. Imagine if parliament were to be voting on the same thing time after time.... Oh wait!
What I see is Brexiteer fear of losing badly enough to have the project put to bed. Surely they should be looking forwards to a resounding victory again?
Is there a halfway measure? Put article 50 on hold. Find out what sort of Brexit the country wants backed up by ojective investigation of each of thr directions. Then ask the people. That way, Brexshit is honoured and a likely outcome is a softer Brexit as remoaners like me get to choose how we leave

@Sofabeast What a cunning plan!

@Mcflewster “As cunning as a fox who’s just been appointed Professor of Cunning at Oxford University?"

Read more at: []


Time alone will bear out whether that prediction comes true. In the meantime we have to rescind Article 50 this week, otherwise we will crash out of the EU on 10th April without a deal...that apparently is the default position. Another referendum should then be called with the full facts and options laid out clearly...and a requirement of at least a 10% majority in favour of leaving to exit the EU.

I judge that you are Not a prophet but a Scientist [See comment recently added 31/03/19. Hope you are not offended.

@Mcflewster I believe you have just paid me a compliment....thank you! I may be hardest person here to offend....I’m a realist, and a freethinker...I like debate and have even been known to admit being wrong, or to changing my opinion, based on critical thought and argument.

@Marionville Realism is your best blessing(?)

@Mcflewster Thanks!

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