8 3

When this Brexit 'Thing" is over [and I feel it in my bones that it will be soon] and we have more time to think of more serious matters, we need a period of reflection to mull over what we have learned from the experience. I have already said elsewhere that a new political system is on the cards.
In the non religious field however we need to apply the Brexit lessons directly to REXIT - an exit from religion -something that started millenia ago. We need to accelerate 'Cross party' talks i.e Interfaith, learn how to talk to religions in a civilized manner and let us face it, wrangle with them over their weaknesses in an orderly and constructive manner, e.g. 1) protecting Human rights 2) getting them to realize that a multiplicity of religions is a Weakness . If you haven't realized yet a multiplicity of non religious beliefs is, too, a weakness. No compromises just unify!

Mcflewster 8 Apr 7
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'.....getting them to realize that a multiplicity of religions is a Weakness . If you haven't realized yet a multiplicity of non religious beliefs is, too, a weakness. No compromises just unify!'

Is it just me? but i find that statement pretty sinister and reeking of an almost facist mindset!!! but i guess I'm just weak 😉

JimmyM Level 7 Apr 8, 2019

Is anyone saying that BOTH sides do not have to get rid of their weaknesses Or at least try. What is sinister about that?

It sounds like you're saying everyone should believe the same thing. While, in an ideal world, it would be nice, freedom of thought comes in and people can believe whatever they like. You can, of course, point out where their beliefs contradict evidence, but... well, the road to Ne'tu is paved with good intentions 😉


I'd like to see more prosecutions and investigations and maybe a hanging or two of the liars and manipulators that screwed with the first ref.

Savage Level 7 Apr 7, 2019

I found it very strange that a lot of the Leave campaign’s big and bold claims — so many extra millions for the NHS — were allowed to stand unchallenged, while now it looks like it will be a huge downer for the UK economy.


Sounds like a good plan. You have to debrief when you finish any major project whether construction or psyche experimentation. I can’t imagine how it will happen but watching from outside I am sure it’s been a traumatic for everyone and even if localised groups get a chance to discuss their feelings and experiences it will help to heal. I left UK in 2007 and have not returned since and I feel for country. When I was a kid we had dignity and respect around the world. We are now a sad joke with lot of wounds to heal,for the most part inflicted by the political system which is supposed to serve the people! Oh well, off my soapbox now.

Needs saying !


Economics is not the most important thing in the world... it is sometimes called the “grey science” because it is inevitably dreary and pessimistic. You should consider joy and celebration and creativity as guiding lights more rather than worrying about the economy.

That said, Brexit is a farce which is showing up the great weaknesses of democracy as a system for making important decisions.

Denker Level 7 Apr 7, 2019

Your post does not address "Maslow's hierarchy of needs" relative to the importance people should pay to the must be one of the fortunates that have a job/money.


Firstly, the Brexit thing is serious. If we drop out with no deal we will be paying the price for years.
Secondly what do you mean by "a multiplicity of non religious beliefs" ?. You either belief in a god or gods or you don't. There may people with "new age" beliefs in spirituality or some undefinable greater power but I have yet to hear of then attacking or discriminating against others with different beliefs.

Moravian Level 8 Apr 7, 2019

@irascible He and his like are benefitting financially from the uncertainty brought on by this fiasco. It is estimated that up to a £trillion has been move from the UK to Europe recently. Rees Mogg manages a fund based in Dublin and has by some estimates benefitted personally to the tune of £7 million.


Human nature is utterly at variance with unifying under a single philosophy.
The ones who argue are the ones who advance humanity and science. Religion is simply a flawed philosophy in that it is by it's very nature averse to proof.

Petter Level 9 Apr 7, 2019

Why don't you start with a democratically elected parliament? Get rid of the house of lords.

It woukd be dangerous to do so. A second, upper, chamber is an essential check against the power of the lower chamber. However, ALL members should be elected, not appointed merely by being awarded a title. That leads to patronage. Perhaps criteria, such as a minimum IQ level of 110, could be required. That should keep the Abbots of this world out and justify the name "Lords".

@Petter The Brexit problems are not with the Lords, it is with the commons. In theory and elected 2nd chamber seems a good idea but in practice it has the same party politics that we see in the US senate. The Lords consist of only 26 voting hereditary piers (chosen by their number) bishops, a few from the arts, civil service but the most vocal are the retired politicians. It seems a waste of good talent not to use their experience as a balance.
As for the bishops, I can see why on this site it may seem an intrusion of church into state. Yet they have been the most vocal against govt cuts affecting the poor.
There is also the UK rules regarding govt ministers. You must be a member of parliament to be a minster and being made a lord immediately gives that right. A case in point was our version of Trump. ie "Apprentice" guy, Allan Sugar. He was drafted into the labour cabinet as an industry minister.

@273kelvin I agree with a lot of that, but I was replying to the comment saying we should abolish the house of Lords.

The Brexit problems are not with the Lords, it is with the commons. In theory and elected 2nd chamber seems a good idea but in practice it has the same party politics that we see in the US senate. The Lords consist of only 26 voting hereditary piers (chosen by their number) bishops, a few from the arts, civil service but the most vocal are the retired politicians. It seems a waste of good talent not to use their experience as a balance.
As for the bishops, I can see why on this site it may seem an intrusion of church into state. Yet they have been the most vocal against govt cuts affecting the poor.
There is also the UK rules regarding govt ministers. You must be a member of parliament to be a minster and being made a lord immediately gives that right. A case in point was our version of Trump. ie "Apprentice" guy, Allan Sugar. He was drafted into the labour cabinet as an industry minister.

@Petter Sorry it was meant for both of you

@273kelvin I do feel the house of lords should not be subject to party politics and patronage and shoild require members to be capable. Hence, my idea of an IQ test requirement, repeated every few years! Other qualifications should also be required.

@Petter Not required as life piers tend to been outstanding in their field and the voting hereditary piers are chosen for their ability.

@Petter Sorry Petter I wasn't clear. What I really meant was abolish unelected members of government. Here in Australia our system is pretty much the same as yours with an Upper and Lower house but of course all are elected by the people. While I am pro republican, if it meant adopting the American system of gov't I'd rather stick with the commonwealth.

@Petter, @273kelvin I believe there is great merit in having representatives who are expert in diverse fields but I don't hold with people born into ruling classes. It's archaic and undemocratic.

@MsDemeanour Except, of course, me and my family. We are inherently above the masses, who turn to us tor guidance. ????

@Petter Of course Lord Petter (tugging my forelock.......or do only men do that?) lol 😉

@MsDemeanour In the case of Ladies, we Lords tug their forelocks for them, and encourage them to tug other fore thingies.


I agree, but I can’t see it happening unfortunately.

Not many can see the path and I do NOT know when we will reach that destination. However unless we clear the weeds from that path it will never be a possibility. Just use our Agnostic advantages.

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