3 5

The cold stone rises, set by hands that never knew the planet's course.
Stone demons lurch and leer, elected saints stand reverently by
With the patience and awe of passing centuries.
The glass is lovely still, as is the golden dust of life and death,
Destination and source, which hangs in the glowing;
timeless, still, tiny witnesses to the age of man.
Cobbled floors and marbled vaults;
Mortality etched in ageless carving underfoot.
Stone on tender stone, reaching ever upward,
rising above the earth bound struggles of mankind.
Higher still, to the very portal of hearts lost and found,
Drifting in the shadows and sunbeams, almost skyward,
To the heavens and above the minds of men-
Inspired to reverence by dreams of lofty things.

StJohn 6 June 11
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Nice verbal images.

tioteo Level 8 June 12, 2018

I still love wandering around the old cathedrals. Born just 12 miles east of Durham I've often been blown away by the grandeur of the cathedral and its setting. But now that I realize that they were all founded upon silliness and not truth, I wonder what their future use will be as science and technology pushes our culture deeper and deeper into a more secular age?

rcandlish Level 7 June 12, 2018

I think the intent of such structures was to promote a sense of awe and wonder, and I think they still do that today. In our modern world so few places remain where we can step out of the hustle and bustle for a few moments of quiet reflection, often right in the heart of town. Such buildings still do that for me, though I have long since abandoned any religious affiliation.

Durham Cathedral was also designed to display the power and skill of the Norman rulers. It has beautiful architecture, made all the more awe inspiring by bearing in mind the age in which it was built. It ranks, along with the Cathedral in Milan, the cathedral in Chartres and the Basilica in Zaragoza as my favourite religious structures.
Bit of bragging next:- One remembrance Sunday service, around 1985, my son was chosen to play the Last Post, solo, on his trumpet rather than a bugle, perched high up in the roof of Durham Cathedral. Not a bad honour for a 15 year old atheist !


It is a wonder how so much got done in the past considering the average life span was almost half of modern man. Enjoyed the visuals your write projected in my mind.

azzow2 Level 9 June 12, 2018

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