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This is what happens when I'm overtired and can't sleep. I start to compose parody poems about work. Thought I would purge by inflicting the first draft incomplete pieces on you lovely people. (I'm also mean when I haven't had enough sleep.)

The Walrus and the Carpenter - parody

The coders were coding busily, coding through the night
They did their very best to make the logic turn out right.
And this was great because the deadline was so tight.

The testers were waiting groggily well before the sun.
They had so many tests they needed to rerun.
We could have stayed in bed they whined until the code was done.

The code was clean as clean could be, the specs were dry as dry.
We could not find a fault because all the architects were high.
No bugs were hiding in the code, there were no bugs to hide.

The management and clients were planning close at hand.
They wept like anything to see requirements get canned.
“If we only had another month”, they wailed, “it would be grand.”

“If 7 reqs with 7 specs were pondered for half a year,
Do you suppose”, a manager said, “That we could get it clear?”
“I doubt it”, said the clients and shed a bitter tear.

“Oh, Analysts, come talk with us”, the clients did beseech,
“A pleasant talk about this mock and features we can keep.
We only need an hour or so to let you look at each.”

Safety Dance – parody

We can plan if we want to.
We can leave the specs behind.
‘Cause the clients don’t ask
And if the clients won’t ask,
Well they’re no clients of mine.

pixiedust 8 Sep 11
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Just had to sing that last bit .....

Cast1es Level 9 Sep 11, 2018

Out loud, I hope 🙂


Wonderful fun - I compose ridiculous limericks when heartbroken. Whatever gets you through, right? Hope you get some sleep.

Justjoni Level 8 Sep 11, 2018

I love limericks!


good imagination

TheDoubter Level 9 Sep 11, 2018

Thank you. 🙂


Oh I see it now. Cute poem lol

Thank you. 🙂


A lot of poems come to me at sleep time too. I suppose just for a few minutes our brain relaxes and the words just flow. Good write

azzow2 Level 9 Sep 11, 2018

Thank you. 🙂

I just wonder why they're all so odd and what my fixation is with Lewis Carroll.

@pixiedust Down the rabbit hole you go.

@pixiedust The one I just posted on poets corner, that just basically just came off the top of my head minutes ago.


Very good!!

Thank you. 🙂

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