3 3

fore scores and seven years ago
john wayne and the green berets
stormed jiwo ima
and took back fifth avenue
from the evil king george
who was prince of whales

in 1492
neil armstrong sailed
the ocean blue
he bought up plymouth rock
and built LUXURIOUS condos
where he served up turkey dinners
ice cream and chocolate cake
to the starving indians

in 1775
hardly a man is now alive
who remembers when general macarthur
was drove to tears
at the sight of our HUGE tanks
airplanes and other stuff
marching down broadway

and in the words of our great great
thomas jefferson
go west young man
and build mighty towers
and verdant green golf courses
from see to shining see

and always remember
we are the GREATEST
and most exceptional
RICHEST country ever

davknight 8 July 5
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Satire? Damned straight!

tioteo Level 8 July 5, 2019

Awesome satire on twatwaffle and his delusions

bobwjr Level 10 July 5, 2019


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Posted by EntheogenFanI wrote this about a crazy girl who I loved like crazy. She made my entire life feel like insanity.

Posted by AllamandaNot in the current meaning of 'dog-whistle' but I think people will like this poem.

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Posted by PetterAbstinence indeed!

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