Poets' Corner

Write a poem! Please keep under 35 lines! Write about anything you wish! Please, easy on the profanity!

Write a poem! Please keep under 35 lines! Write about anything you wish! Please, easy on the profanity!

Posts Tagged "birds" By azzow2 (87) Posts by anyone

Poets' Corner
Apr 3, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by Beowulfsfriend
Birds, Humans, and Mirrors by JT Daughton a bird does not like to be alone, preferring company, of either sex, in an intimacy most humans do not understand, or believe. a bird is not human, still, both are animals, of community, with some ...
Poets' Corner
Mar 22, 2020Mar 2020

Posted by Allamanda
TODAY, ANOTHER UNIVERSE by Jane Hirshfield The arborist has determined: senescence beetles canker quickened by drought but in any case not prunable not treatable not to be propped....
Poets' Corner
Jul 28, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by Stargazer13
SUN AND SHADOW The child in me remembers, In cool of early morning, bare feet planted in grass grown long In the soothing trill of summer birds, perched and preening on rotted fence all but gone And in chirps of morning crickets still awake from ...
Poets' Corner
Jun 19, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Tomfoolery33
I Sing the Bright Day I sing the bright day down the sky— The drowsing sun is silent, deaf to pleas. I sing because I cannot cry. The song wells up from nowhere, to fly Into this world like startled birds from trees. I sing the bright day down ...
Poets' Corner
May 30, 2018May 2018

Posted by Tomfoolery33
Branches Branches on trees grow outward, upward; into sky and sun holding birds and buds and leaves growing more outward still. They sway in the wind, are bent downward by boys climbing or swinging, by squirrels running along them; by age and ...
Poets' Corner
May 25, 2018May 2018

Posted by ProudMerry
It's one of those nights. Widow's Weeds Storm hangs over the house, draws me to the front porch. Swollen creek flattens high grass that needs mowed. Trees in full leaf after such a long and heartless winter. Surrounded by verdant beauty accompanied...
Poets' Corner
Apr 30, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by Tcstrause
The Darkness of My Heart In the darkness of my heart a wonderful light was found In her eyes a beautiful green the darkness was drowned But that light it has faded and her eyes they’ve turned Looking away now her love won’t be earned The shadows...
1 comment
Poets' Corner
Apr 23, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by Tomfoolery33
The Hummingbird is back today not much bigger than a bumblebee— the buzz and quiver at the feeder, wings only visible at rest. The rest of the birds come too, scattered through the shrubs and trees, littered like leaves from the blown book of ...

Photos 45 More

Posted by EntheogenFanI wrote this about a crazy girl who I loved like crazy. She made my entire life feel like insanity.

Posted by AllamandaNot in the current meaning of 'dog-whistle' but I think people will like this poem.

Posted by TO_BYEntangled Particles

Posted by TO_BYGraphis (Graphic Poem)

Posted by TO_BYGraphis (graphic poem)

Posted by neutralite[] today... was a day. ✂️ Squeak in the music room on this site, that's what to do.

Posted by RemiforceDEATH IS SO FINAL--Youth La Boheme days in our small boyhood town, drinking cheap wine, smoking grass all night in some artist's studio, staggering forth into the bleary translucent twilight dawn.

Posted by RemiforceWHEN MY BROTHER LEFT FOR NAM--We looked across the field of death & maiming, in our youthful half knowing, the war raging in the media suddenly close & personal,like a car crash We drank to ...

Posted by RemiforceMY AGE IS IMPATIENT.

Posted by BohoHeathenThis is just a poem of past experiences.

Posted by PetterAbstinence indeed!

Posted by AstralSmokeWanting Wanting to be broken utterly split apart with a mighty tearing like an apple broken to unfold the delicate open veined petal pattern inside the fruit .

Posted by MiizzunderstoodWE WILL BE HOME SOON MOM.

Posted by Stargazer13And this is what you mean to me… That I see beauty and feel lovely in a dark, broken and rusted world Because you love me, I’ve been brave And opened into full bloom beneath the gaze of ...

Posted by Stargazer13Dog days are over Picking every four leaf clover Gonna break out of every box they put me in This soul is hungry and divine sugar my sin Personal evolution Fated love the revolution Raw ...

Posted by Stargazer13I've heard the stories of your empty world Devoid of soft touches And the rare souls that cross lifetimes, to see again through eyes captured in silent and consummate knowing I've listened to ...

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