Poets' Corner

Write a poem! Please keep under 35 lines! Write about anything you wish! Please, easy on the profanity!

Write a poem! Please keep under 35 lines! Write about anything you wish! Please, easy on the profanity!

Posts Tagged "dream" By azzow2 (87) Posts by anyone

Poets' Corner
Mar 14, 2022Mar 2022

Posted by azzow2
This one needs a title. I thought "Insufficient friend might work"? Easy is anger where sadness is lost like dust on a bust. I found no one in someone once upon a dream of personality. Falling eighty feet from right here in my nifty lofty seat....
Poets' Corner
Dec 7, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by azzow2
Deserted Dream of Synesthesia: Aloft the drift of the desert's red pungent aroma prickles you're precaution. Oceans of wavy white sand grasps the mirage in your mind like a child's curiosity. The gush and rush of the azure sky blast like ...
Poets' Corner
Aug 30, 2020Aug 2020

Posted by Garen
The drinker I used to drink the shadow like a poisoner sipping, sipping at the bitter well until my blood ran cool and full of thorns saved up for lovers who would want to seek the truth of me I'd take the long way 'round through ...
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Shared from Love & Relationships
Jan 18, 2019Jan 2019

Posted by Petter
Are We Mad? Are we mad to love so madly? Is this but a fleeting dream? Will we wake to realise, sadly, It was but a "might have been"? Be you wraith or be you substance? I only know I love you so. Should you be wraith, to me your substance Is yet ...
Poets' Corner
Dec 30, 2018Dec 2018

Posted by avron
Act as If by Salvador Smalí He postured with, “you know why you feel guilty.” I, in kind, skeptical, waiting for “because you are.” Giggling and snorting he egged me in with eyes bulged and varicose veins collapsing with the gone era of a ...
Poets' Corner
Sep 6, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by azzow2
Swallow the Hollow: Drift off into a dream the bed next to me is hallow.   Stand atop a flight of thirteen the rail descending is hollow.   Sit in the reclining chair in the theater the armrest next to me is hollow.   Slip into the spa solo the ...
Poets' Corner
Aug 27, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by beerhungry
Bed song for adults The day is gone you try to sleep Your actions today has been wide Now you are dealing with all that stress Rolling from side to side All stormy events and icy smiles Has blown into your face all day And sun that helped you to ...
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Poets' Corner
Aug 26, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by beerhungry
I have a dream, that I can't fill. I Have live with it, or kill. but you can't kill a dream, can you? Dream may rip you apart while dying, but you catch yourself still trying. 'Cos you can't kill a dream, can you?
Poets' Corner
Jul 16, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by Lincoln55
Tumbledown Barn by DHMcCarty 11/17 He staked out his claim to this land years ago. He ordered up lumber from Paul Gundersons mill, rough hewn pine that had no need to see the plane. Four walls to offer protection from predators and a loft to store...
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Poets' Corner
Jul 10, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by Tomfoolery33
Digging a Hole I haven't reached the bottom yet, or found that succulent sassafras taproot that makes the curious tea I'm thinking of. The hole is sinking though—my shovel occasionally breaks a strange dark root with a tearing sound and I look ...
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Poets' Corner
Jul 8, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by egyptrican
Chasing a Leprechaun Through thickened woods and thorny brush I chased the elf in silenced hush Around intoxicating pines And mossy-covered hanging vines Taking care to mark the way With petals dropped from rose bouquet My distance safe from ...
Poets' Corner
Jul 6, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by Lincoln55
Bring The Zip Ties And Chinese Handcuffs. The Heartbreak Of A Distance Love Affair i left the phone on the kitchen counter as I headed out the door for spring water and romaine. checking my hip pocket more than once as i cruised the aisles of Food...
Poets' Corner
Jun 27, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Stargazer13
I wake too soon In the hazy dark The almost dark The shadowy muffled dark of a silent room in slumber Before the proper fall of blackest night And I wonder out loud whose hand holds mine An incredulous sight Stretched out there over a wrinkled cotton...
Poets' Corner
Jun 24, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Tomfoolery33
Another poem from when I was in Oregon. Late Fall I'm wondering today if in the tops of the Jeffrey pines the needles sheath with ice in the cold air; the water balanced first along their lengths by the tall fog, then frozen as the night ...
Poets' Corner
Jun 16, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by azzow2
Had written this last year thought it would be a good time to share, in honor of the other kitty posts Puss: Woosh a whisper brushes up my pants cuff. An apparition the soft silky fur tickles my shin ever so pleasantly. Shadow in the ...
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Poets' Corner
Jun 11, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by RaaChenn
LOU Trapped in an alley, and I can't run Facing a man with a cross and a gun His face is blue He says my name is Lou And it's my sacred duty to kill you His eyes flick around, gun falls to the ground He throws the cross in the sewer and before...
Poets' Corner
Jun 6, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Ciravolostone
So this is one of my favorites. Beauty Screams. It is about the fleeting nature of physical beauty. Something I know a great deal about because I am so hideous. I hope you like it but if not then feel free to tear it apart. but use your teeth :) ...
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Poets' Corner
Jun 2, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by azzow2
This is one of my dark poems we all know these things are figments of the imagination. Bump this blue: The sheets of wind gasp through the crack in the door slithering over the floor like pitter patter the wendigo whispering is the cause of ...
Poets' Corner
May 14, 2018May 2018

Posted by ProudMerry
My shitty weekend mood is gone. Afternoon Dream We’re in an ancient red convertible the size of a laundry room, fins a shark would envy, driving across the desert, heat shimmering in the distance. My hair, long again, whips across my face. Sam ...
Poets' Corner
May 11, 2018May 2018

Posted by Tomfoolery33
This is a poem written during our "sabbatical" in southern Oregon many years ago. Oblivious Me The blind sun breaks sharply over the black hill— the moon pales. The wet symmetrical pines wait glistening. The cat scares up a flutter of jays. A ...
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Poets' Corner
May 8, 2018May 2018

Posted by Tomfoolery33
Sealed Tight In my square room, I dream of the open plain long ago, before roads, before scars on the land. Seeing forever, the sky high and lonesome, cottonwoods along the streams. The land owned by the wild, the free wind, all things small in...
Poets' Corner
Apr 29, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by gingit4
EPHEMERAL I am ephemeral Here yet not A figment of your imagination A dream not yet dreamed I am the shadow stalking Your peripheral vision The extra beat of your heart The tear that involuntarily falls I am the hunger That cannot be fed The ...
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Poets' Corner
Apr 26, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by RobertNappi2
Vietnam...The Unfinished Poem My country said they needed me Because this is the land of the free Shipped me off to a foreign land That had the name of Vietnam Went to a class on how to survive Things to know to come home alive Put a weapon in my ...
Poets' Corner
Apr 25, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by Tcstrause
I felt your touch, on my skin, When you faded into darkness, You left me here alone, With your scent still on my pillow, You walked out the door, Leaving me here alone, And I dream of your kiss, your lips, As I hold you in my arms, But then I must ...
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Photos 45 More

Posted by EntheogenFanI wrote this about a crazy girl who I loved like crazy. She made my entire life feel like insanity.

Posted by AllamandaNot in the current meaning of 'dog-whistle' but I think people will like this poem.

Posted by TO_BYEntangled Particles

Posted by TO_BYGraphis (Graphic Poem)

Posted by TO_BYGraphis (graphic poem)

Posted by neutralite[] today... was a day. ✂️ Squeak in the music room on this site, that's what to do.

Posted by RemiforceDEATH IS SO FINAL--Youth La Boheme days in our small boyhood town, drinking cheap wine, smoking grass all night in some artist's studio, staggering forth into the bleary translucent twilight dawn.

Posted by RemiforceWHEN MY BROTHER LEFT FOR NAM--We looked across the field of death & maiming, in our youthful half knowing, the war raging in the media suddenly close & personal,like a car crash We drank to ...

Posted by RemiforceMY AGE IS IMPATIENT.

Posted by BohoHeathenThis is just a poem of past experiences.

Posted by PetterAbstinence indeed!

Posted by AstralSmokeWanting Wanting to be broken utterly split apart with a mighty tearing like an apple broken to unfold the delicate open veined petal pattern inside the fruit .

Posted by MiizzunderstoodWE WILL BE HOME SOON MOM.

Posted by Stargazer13And this is what you mean to me… That I see beauty and feel lovely in a dark, broken and rusted world Because you love me, I’ve been brave And opened into full bloom beneath the gaze of ...

Posted by Stargazer13Dog days are over Picking every four leaf clover Gonna break out of every box they put me in This soul is hungry and divine sugar my sin Personal evolution Fated love the revolution Raw ...

Posted by Stargazer13I've heard the stories of your empty world Devoid of soft touches And the rare souls that cross lifetimes, to see again through eyes captured in silent and consummate knowing I've listened to ...

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