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On occasion I make the mistake of watching news on TV. I see #45 and I utter cuss words. Then I drop numerous quarters into my Swear Jar. When the jar gets full, I give alms to the poor. Ever since Nov. 9, 2016, the jar gets full quickly.

SKH78 8 Dec 21
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Sometimes I wonder if I have Tourette's Syndrome, because ever since the 2016 election, I've been swearing like a sailor every damned time I turn on the news. Just the thought that Trump is being enabled to behave so appallingly makes smoke come out of my ears! It's impossible to escape from seeing his hideous image and/or hearing his poisonous, loopy rhetoric that he constantly spews. It's as though he's a pernicious parasite that has lodged itself into the psyche of America.The only things that gives me solace is knowing that there are so many others who loathe him as much as I do. If I were younger and stronger, I'd move to a saner country in a heartbeat.

EEEClair Level 5 Aug 27, 2019

PaganPUSSY purchased WinterSolstice 2018 ( 2771 ) since Rome was 1st built


Last one on the shelf @ Dayton Hudson owned TARGET store Rivers Avenue North Charleston USA. photo all her lights aglow in my patio window 3:33 a.m. CST. ...I shall name her paganPUSSY just to PISS off all the xian xmas TRUMPolini voters


Target Store N Charleston Rivers Avenue


Please save such obscenity inspired coinage for a plane ticket to come see me in the SOUTH that universally voted for Cheetos TrumpOLINI 31 states in all....DFL MN just can't spread it's wings down here like snowbirds elsewhere. need jet fuel and I shall pick you up in my Hell Bent SHEdevil limousine Chevrolet Avalanche CHS is the airport symbol

Boarding the plane tomorrow. 🙂


I'd try this approach, but then my swear jar would get full and I'm afraid that I'd buy a ticket to D.C. to deliver a healthy throat punch. Watching Agolf Twittler double over and choke on his own arrogance. Broke, but satisfied. 🙂

Twisted185 Level 6 Dec 21, 2018

Fair enough to choke the pussygrabber in chief....I prefer my Solstice Cat above scratch him into kitty litter pan to drench him in CAT PISS and turd his tweets

Adolf Twittler - another new nickname for that Mangled Apricot Hell Beast. LOL


I quit watching news when Bush II, aka monkey boy, was prezydent

zorialoki Level 8 Dec 21, 2018

I remember how horrified I was when Florida handed the election to Bush II; Mollie Ivins used to refer to him as "the shrub." How do you manage to quit watching the news? I've tried, but so far it's been impossible. I keep thinking that at any time, the adults in the room will finally step forward and do what's needed to protect us from this dystopian nightmare, but apparently that's just not going to happen. The biggest problem is that the game has always been rigged in favor of the 1% here in The United Corporations of America.

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Posted by z0000I don't even know if this is valid and even if it was, wouldn't it just make 45 hate Canada more ?

Posted by OpposingOpposumI live with a bunch of destructive assholes. Dog killed the kids "shaggy" figurine and the kid killed my eyeshadow palette. Assholes, all of 'em.

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