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Good morning fellow whiners🙂 I can't believe I haven't noticed this room until now! I don't even know where to start. I've actually been trying recently to push the negative thoughts out of my mind rather than express them, on the theory that putting thoughts into words gives them life, but I couldn't resist joining. Here goes! Me and my family do not do Christmas at all. Not out of grinchness or animosity. it's just not our tradition. The pressure to exchange gifts with the Christians in my life is really annoying. The ladies in my office each gave me a gift of some kind . One actually got me a couple of personalized items. Very thoughtful. I really just don't feel like reciprocating. I probably will but I haven't yet. In the past I have given gift cards but now I'm getting the vibe that this is a cop out and not terribly appreciated so why waste my money

inthecloset 6 Dec 23
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If it weren't for my kids/grand babies, I probably wouldn't celebrate either. I don't participate in holiday office parties and that "secret santa" bullshit. I'm a broke assed white woman......with kids; I don't have time or money to be spending money on people that I only see 5 days out of a week (and really only tolerate because I work with them)...begrudgingly, of course.

Twisted185 Level 6 Dec 23, 2018

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Posted by z0000I don't even know if this is valid and even if it was, wouldn't it just make 45 hate Canada more ?

Posted by OpposingOpposumI live with a bunch of destructive assholes. Dog killed the kids "shaggy" figurine and the kid killed my eyeshadow palette. Assholes, all of 'em.

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