Can a brotha get some fresh air! So fucking tired of people smoking RIGHT outside the door of non smoking places. Take your ass and escort it 50 fucking feet away from the door. I'm tired of smelling that shit!?
It stinks !!!! I am just so thankful that people can't smoke indoors anymore. I had to quit several jobs because I sat next to chain smokers. I avoided eating at restaurants because the smoke drove me nuts, ruined my meal. People had the gall to light up in elevators, in medical offices, in hospitals (!) ... and when I nicely asked people to put out their cancer sticks, they bitched me out and called me "selfish" .... used to be much worse.
They want to smoke, but can't follow a few rules.....disgusting.
Posted by z0000I don't even know if this is valid and even if it was, wouldn't it just make 45 hate Canada more ?
Posted by OpposingOpposumI live with a bunch of destructive assholes. Dog killed the kids "shaggy" figurine and the kid killed my eyeshadow palette. Assholes, all of 'em.