So this morning has been fun. Kid A forgot his laptop for school, necessitating extra drive time which set off kid Bs' motion sickness. And that is how I ended up cleaning vomit off a kid, car seat and car upholstery at 830 am.???
probably that Steve McQueen style
Ha! How did you know?
@OpposingOpposum moms delivery of kids to school is almost alwsys Steve McQueen style. especially if they have to do the laptop lap.
Posted by z0000I don't even know if this is valid and even if it was, wouldn't it just make 45 hate Canada more ?
Posted by OpposingOpposumI live with a bunch of destructive assholes. Dog killed the kids "shaggy" figurine and the kid killed my eyeshadow palette. Assholes, all of 'em.