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I'm in pain! Again, every other week my body has some kind of damn issue. It can stop, really it can!

Catrachel1111 7 May 21
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I'm sorry. It sucks a lot. Hugs


I understand. I have fibromyalgia; hurt all the time. Hope you find some relief...and a reason.

I have fibro as well. However that pain for me is a low grade constant pain for me. This is pulled muscles. Hurts to cough, sit, stand, breathe. Argh!

Oh ty for the understanding.

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Posted by z0000I don't even know if this is valid and even if it was, wouldn't it just make 45 hate Canada more ?

Posted by OpposingOpposumI live with a bunch of destructive assholes. Dog killed the kids "shaggy" figurine and the kid killed my eyeshadow palette. Assholes, all of 'em.

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