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Mark Knopfler is a great musician/songwriter both as a solo artist and with his band Dire Straits. He’s a Scottish born Geordie who is very proud of his roots and upbringing in the Northeast of England and often this is reflected in the lyrics of his songs….such as this one….
Why Aye Man.

….Why Aye Man is a common “Geordie” expression used a greeting in and around Newcastle on Tyne.
Marionville 10 Dec 30
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University in Durham, 15 miles south of Newcastle. Why aye was a commonly said more often with Hinny than man. Durham claimed to be where Geordies came from whilst those from Newcastle were Tynesiders. There were at least three separate accents in Newcastle. In all cases the "a" was soft. As the "u" in Durham was more like "oo".

My grandfather was from Gateshead and he called himself a Geordie…as does Mark Knopfler. Durham may make the claim, but I’m sure it would be hotly disputed by others from around that North Eastern corner.

I couldn’t see yours so found one that I could share. 😘

Thanks for posting it Rhonda…it’s very frustrating when it’s not available for everyone!

@Marionville I know! I finally learned how to post from my phone so I try to help out when I can. 😉

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