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Do you embrace simplicity in your life? I have reduced much of what I own and I don't buy much. But, beyond that, I'm also trying to enjoy the simple things in life. I think that has a stacking effect.

silvereyes 8 Feb 22
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Keep it simple silly

but we collect brass bells , glass art, blue plates, cornflower glasses, paintings , hand bags and perfume bottles. all in a one thousand square foot house !!


The less you own, the less you focus on objects, and focus more on what's important. I walked away from almost everything I owned a few years ago and never looked back.

Holysocks Level 8 Feb 23, 2018

Living with minimal things and reconnecting with nature is extremely important. Some of us need more "space" than others, and prefer to live in an uncomplicated world. Robert E. Harrill felt the same way, and became famous. He was known as the Fort Fisher Hermit. Check him out...and the Hermit Society on facebook.

unclemike Level 3 Feb 23, 2018

After my divorce and going through bankruptcy I decided to live light and never use credit again. Other than my car I have stuck to it. I have very few material needs. If only my children would buy into that concept.

Rudy1962 Level 9 Feb 23, 2018

Depends on what you mean by simplicity. I don't collect anything, but I do have quite a bit in the way of books and music. I learned a long time ago that a few dollars' worth of seeds, yarn, or books would keep me happy and occupied for days and more.

chicagojcb Level 7 Feb 23, 2018

I haven't had much choice. A series of upheavals have me renting a room with just my clothes, a few belongings and my kitties. It's actually been really liberating to start fresh. I've realized how much my life was encumbered by STUFF.

Mkonnick Level 5 Feb 22, 2018

That is a Thai Buddhist concept that I have embraced since moving here- getting rid of most of my possessions each time I move to another Thai province.

I recently dumped or sold most of my stuff in anticipation of a move back to the US, but have since been delayed for many months, but seldom miss the stuff I sold.

birdingnut Level 8 Feb 22, 2018

Embrace, no. Readily accept, yes.

Gatovicolo Level 8 Feb 22, 2018

29 years ago, I went through a devastating divorce. It left me with nothing but a wore out pickup truck and a few dollars. I moved into a 28 foot trailer with a mattress on the floor for a bed, and no TV or radio. The only furniture I left the divorce with was a recliner. The freedom I felt was amazing. I could leave without locking the door. Thieves would have been doing me a favor, if they stole my raggedy ass recliner. I swore I would never accumulate a bunch of stuff again to tie me down, but I did anyway.

I still think about when I retire, selling everything I own and buying a small pull behind camper and traveling the US and Canada.

Eazyduzzit Level 7 Feb 22, 2018

People always tell me I am simple, does that count?
I do not accumulate stuff. That is what ex partners are for, they keep the stuff. If I move house, I try and sell as much furniture and equipment as I can with it. If we have things and haven't used them or worn them in a year they get donated to charity, no exceptions that I can think of.

(Blank line inserted for those who prefer paragraphs)
My son went to Europe for 3 months with one small bag and used his left over baggage allowance to bring clothes for a friend who is returning to Oz. Even traveling we don't have much. Go to explore an area, go to a 2nd hand shop once there, grab what we need, usually for camping, and on the way out, donate it back.
My pleasures are simple, so I get lots of them.

Rugglesby Level 8 Feb 22, 2018

Simple is best. The more 'stuff' we 'own', the less free our lives are.

LimeySteve Level 7 Feb 22, 2018

so very true


My life is STILL a work in progress. I am simplifying but it takes time. One of my goals is to finish projects before I buy supplies for the next project. I am slowly getting rid of my excess. The kids are getting some of my things as I can sneak them over. I have a two go out before one comes in policy on shoes and clothing. I try to mend/repair before replacing. My goal is to be able to significantly downsize when I am ready to retire. 2388 days but who's counting.

190 days until my next, and hopefully last retirement. 43 years to the day since I began full time work. Though I have retired before I thought I would try again on this date. I want to build a tiny house in my back yard, I hope I do.


Personally if it was just me I could live in a studio apartment with a mattress on the floor and a couple of bean bag chairs and a desk. When I was courting my wife it started out as a long distance relationship and I lived out of an Extended Stay America for several months in order to remove the long distance element. Didn't feel deprived at all.

On the other hand now that we're together, she wants to make our house a home and have a nest that her children (theoretically) want to come back to, so despite downsizing from 2900 to 1900 square feet, I wouldn't call our life exactly simple. We are, relatively speaking, out of the acquisitive phase of life though, I'll say that.

mordant Level 8 Feb 22, 2018

I still retain a few remnants of my materialistic proclivities. Basically, I'm very complex. However, i live what appears to be quite a simple lifestyle, seemingly, non-materialistic. I get by by appearing to be an ordinary, on the street kind of guy, but my placid surface waters actually run deep and swift. Just trying to fool them most of the time. In truth, I'm fairly well educated and I'm very active in my cultural community. And, actually, I'll make an appearance on a "national" tv show this spring, and I've been mentioned in the NY Times twice in the last year. But it's all a big rumor, right?

mkeaman Level 7 Feb 22, 2018

I have a keen interest in non industrial cultures, many friends are from the pacific islands and we are like family despite the tensions that normally occur between groups from their various countries ie Tonga, Vanuatu, Fiji, Samoa. Many have come here via New Zealand and there has been some animosity in the past.

Please forgive my presumption, I assume your culture is Kanaka Maoli? In which case Aloha, and an admission I know almost nothing of your religious back ground.

I am not religious but seek to live in total harmony with the natural world, accordingly I have a keen interest in cultures of the pacific. Would love to view the TV show you will be on.


Simplicity - An ambition that will require a dumpster. Overly fond of odd things.

jeffy Level 7 Feb 22, 2018

i never had a friendly relationship with money; it's always been contempt on my side & evasion on money's. it suits me well, as i love minimalism in my life. i am currently living on less than 30sqm (ca.320sqft) indoor space, & it IS spacious - i prefer space to furniture, time to shopping, nature's beauty to bling.

Yes, I well understand. I abhor money, to call it a necessary evil, understates the evil. Years ago I was referred to as the enigma of the finance industry, I could play the game better than most, yet insisted on breaking all the rules. One thing I want less than money is debt so I am forever straddling this fine line of no money and paying my minimal expenses.

yes, @Rugglesby, i'm the same with debt - hate to have that pressure in the back of my head. which on the other hand i consider quite silly (or should i call it obsessive?) - the guy who collects my rent has more than enough dosh, & i don't honour the stuff anyway; so why am i so conscientious about it?

@walklightly I can drive a person crazy with my obsession of managing with the bare minimum and on squeezing the last little bit out of my financial toothpaste tube. Yesterday I cleared the credit card and I have never in my life paid interest on it. Today I used it to pay my monthly bills, I get charged 0.45% fee for using the card, but it is a reward card and I get 1% back every 6 months so I made about $4 on the transactions and no bank fees. As I said, obsessive.

L 😀 L , @Rugglesby, i know the feeling!


I'd like to hear more about a stacking effect.

hankster Level 9 Feb 22, 2018

I been doing that. I don't even have a permanent home base anymore. So I got stuff in storage in 3 different states. Hard when you do your taxes, he, he, he, ha. But if I could just stop buying all those pretty shoes!!!! Simple... make easy. She pissed me off... I am gone!!! I pissed her off... I am gone!!! I am bored... I am gone!!! She is bored... I am gone!!! As long my money stretches to pay my way thru my current life... I am all for it. I stay Retired!!!


I like simplicity sometimes... It's a dichotomy. I also like being flexible enough to rise to challenging and complex situations (especially at work. I'd rather a job be difficult than to simple.) But yes simplicity is awesome when appropriate


Not chasing every new shiny thing that comes around is a form of freedom for me. Need less, want less, less stress etc. I am not so concerned about what people think of me, wealthy etc. Health and peace of mind. Those are very much worth paying for. You may disagree with me.

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