Do you regularly drink either beer or wine? If so, what's your beverage of choice? Some research points to a glass or two a day increasing longevity, but the research is still limited... and I'm a skeptic. Do you think there is something to the idea that moderate drinking can increase life span?
I’m assuming you are speaking of the 90+ Study ( It reinforces a lot of research over the years, but I doubt there will ever be a fully conclusive study becaise there are so many factors.
I drink around one drink a day, typically beer (and I do some whole grain home brewing so sometimes it is stuff I know exactly what is in there and how it was made), bourbon or gin (summer).
Beer specifically is a good source of vitamin B, red wines provide resveratrol and alcohol works as a blood thinner which can benefit your heart and cholesterol levels (increases how fast proteins flow so raises “good” cholesterol). All of that is in moderation, where heavy drinking negates those effects and causes a lot of other issues.
So yes, I believe that moderate alcohol consumption is good for you and I find that beer especially for me is good for my mental health. The happiness I feel when I stick my nose into the glass and smell deeply before the first sip of a good stout or porter and then taking that first taste is different from other feelings I get elsewhere.
I used to be a beer drinker (1-2 beers per day) but now I mostly drink mead. I heard some statistics on a local radio station that said people who drink moderately have on average a slightly longer life span than those who completely abstain. Heavy drinkers, though, had a much shorter life span.
To my knowledge, alcohol, even to excess, is good for the heart. Excessive drinking causes many other health issues, though, i.e. liver disease. Seems likely there's a sweet spot, and one that I blow right through at least once or twice a week.
@silvereyes Interesting. I've only seen articles recently describing positive heart benefits, which I intuitively believe. Perhaps I just want to believe it.
It's obviously unhealthy to drink to excess, though, which all the articles I've read acknowledge.
At most, once a week I'll drink with a friend or two. I'll go out and have one or two beers (mainly Stella Artois) at a restaurant/bar we go to, or dive into the hard liquor when I;m at their place. I can only ever have like 2 beers before it starts feeling uncomfortable, just isn't something I'll drink much of or care for. So I normally stick to hard stuff like whisky, rum, vodka, and schnapps.
I'm a straight drinker too, but I'll mix from time to time. My tolerance for the hard stuff is a lot higher and I've had the odd night where half or more of a bottle will just be consumed throughout the long night and I'll be mostly fine. I'm lucky I don't get hangovers yet, I usually wake up the next morning in quite a lively state lol.
I drink beer maybe 1-3 times a month. I have like 4-6 beers at a time. I pretty much only like lagers for the most part. Once every few months I'll buy a gallon of red wine and have a glass a night. I over drink on holidays, especially if I go to NC to my brothers for 4th of July. Me and my nephews (3) play drinking games. We will go through like four 24 packs like it's water. I only drink hard alcohol on the holidays too. Not much though. Maybe 1 or 2 drinks.
I used to drink like any other sailor in liberty. Actually as a junior in high school... my lunch was a wet lunch. And didn't touched it on the weekends. Now I only save it for the special occasions and events. I live in Maryland/DC with my sister that keeps a stocked bar and does it every day. Proximity do not affect me. But I just found out that an engineering student I met in NYC this fall, died this morning, age 20, illegal at times, Never got to dream for long, if you know what I meant. I may have a drink today with purpose and for a reason. Won't be beer or wine. Won't get drunk either.
Booze reduces stress. ...relaxed people live longer
Beer is my elixir but at the rate I drink it no way will it help my longevity !
The only two beverages I drink regularly are water and tea. It's on rare occasions that I drink alcohol and when I do it's beer.
I can see that for some people with high stress levels drinking one or two glasses or bottles a day might be beneficial. I don't know about the rest of us.
There is some evidence that red wine in moderation has a correlation to longevity, but that is too simplistic as this was research around the mediterranean diet, which is high in vegetables and olive oil too.
My preference is a decent beer or ale and red wine. Not over keen on lager, but there are some excellent European (mostly Belgian and German) wheat beers. It's very rare I drink more than a pint of beer or small glass of wine and usually only 3 or 4 days a week.
I figure the best way is to live well is to have a balanced diet and do everything in moderation - including moderation!
Beer is OK. Wine is just plain 'ole nasty to me. 2 in the evening is all I'll do, if that.
I drink white or rose wines on occasion. Beer doesn't like me. I don't like red wines. I don't drink daily or even weekly. And when I do drink at home alone it is usually to help me sleep. When I am out I may have a glass of wine if I'm not driving, but never on a first date. Well, usually not. Can alcohol increase life spans, I've read studies that it helps. But it hasn't so convinced me that I'm willing to add more alcohol to my life.
Posted by HippieChick58Regardless of what you think of Oprah, she has staying power. Not necessarily slimming power. Do you remember when she was slim?
Posted by HippieChick58Regardless of what you think of Oprah, she has staying power. Not necessarily slimming power. Do you remember when she was slim?
Posted by pmar044After weeks of exercise and healthy eating, my body got a nasty shock this Fri/Sat with a blowout of rich food, sugary drinks and beer.
Posted by pmar044After weeks of exercise and healthy eating, my body got a nasty shock this Fri/Sat with a blowout of rich food, sugary drinks and beer.
Posted by pmar044After weeks of exercise and healthy eating, my body got a nasty shock this Fri/Sat with a blowout of rich food, sugary drinks and beer.
Posted by pmar044After weeks of exercise and healthy eating, my body got a nasty shock this Fri/Sat with a blowout of rich food, sugary drinks and beer.
Posted by pmar044After weeks of exercise and healthy eating, my body got a nasty shock this Fri/Sat with a blowout of rich food, sugary drinks and beer.
Posted by pmar044After weeks of exercise and healthy eating, my body got a nasty shock this Fri/Sat with a blowout of rich food, sugary drinks and beer.
Posted by pmar044After weeks of exercise and healthy eating, my body got a nasty shock this Fri/Sat with a blowout of rich food, sugary drinks and beer.
Posted by HippieChick58This is why I try to avoid prescription medications.
Posted by HippieChick58Yoga philosophy
Posted by HippieChick58I eat butter, never margarine.
Posted by walklightlyAt the annual mardigras in nimbin. natural food, healing & equality for all!
Posted by walklightlyAt the annual mardigras in nimbin. natural food, healing & equality for all!
Posted by walklightlyAt the annual mardigras in nimbin. natural food, healing & equality for all!
Posted by walklightlyAt the annual mardigras in nimbin. natural food, healing & equality for all!