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Are you currently reading several books?

I nearly always have a number of books on the go. At the moment I'm reading Life and Fate by Vasily Grossman, Ian Kershaw's biography of Hitler and Panic Room, a mystery story by Robert Godard. I didn't plan it but that spread of genres is fairly typical of my interests. I'd be interested to know what other people are reading.

Hellbent 7 Aug 3
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I'm always reading more than one thing at a time. I like to switch between various things. I keep track of all my reading on goodreads. Anyone who want to send a friend request there is welcome.


speljamr Level 3 Nov 14, 2018

If you enjoy Grossman, I would suggest the Children of the Arbat trilogy by Arkady Rybakov. I'm currently reading Ralph Peter's historical novel "Cain at Gettysburg." Would recommend that as well.

Sinbad Level 5 Oct 25, 2018

I'm currently half way thru three. My town has a fantastic used book sale twice a year and I'm still working on my hoard from April. I found some old favorites like Robinson Crusoe. Read it first as a kid, found it in Grandma's basement and spent a whole day down there reading it. Fond memory.

A walk in the woods by Bill Bryson. Very funny and much better than the movie. Hiking at least part of the AT is on my bucket list now.

I know why the caged bird sings. Angelou. Read it in Swedish the first time as a teenager. Love it even more now. It's very funny.

baloocleo Level 4 Aug 29, 2018

@Hellbent They're absolutely old friends. I moved here from California 2 years ago. Gave away everything and packed my minivan. Missed my books so much, but delighted to find that semiannual book fair. Replacing old favorites and finding new ones. Also shop a lot. I don't do well with libraries. Don't like to give them back.


The Better Angels of our Nature and An American Childhood. Trying to think positively

idoubtit Level 7 Aug 8, 2018

@Hellbent It's a memoir by Annie Dillard. Lovely story of her post WWII childhood in Pittsburgh, USA


Yes one fiction, one non fiction and one claiming to be nonfiction but is actually conspiracy theory shit.
So at the moment
rereading Why I am not a Christian
Reading The Shepherds Crown
and The Sion Revelation


The past few years I’ve been horrible with this. It wouldn’t be so bad if I didn’t forget to finish half the books I started before I got distracted by the shiny new story.

Right now I am reading The Better Angels of our Nature by Steven Pinker, Under the Banner of Heaven by Jon Krakauer, and I just started re-reading Papillon by Henri Charriere since they are making another movie about it.

JP0810 Level 3 Aug 3, 2018

Stamped from the Beginning can't remember the author, and old Ed McBain mystery and an issue of the New Yorker.

GreatNani Level 8 Aug 3, 2018

@Hellbent I love them! But I am from NYC originally and even though he says it is not based on any real city it is!

@Hellbent yes!


Yes. Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky and The Master and Margarita by Bulgakov.

brentan Level 8 Aug 3, 2018

Yes indeed. I've read quite a few Russian books by now and somehow still manage to raise a smile! I want to read The Gulag Archepelego but it's so darn big, as Russian books tend to be. Did you enjoy the book by Grossman?

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Posted by Julie808We of Little Faith I Stopped Pretending to Believe (and Maybe You Should Too) By Kate Cohen.

Posted by dfrossI enjoyed "The Dictionary of Lost Words", a historical fiction about the creating of the Oxford-English Dictionary and the fight for women's suffrage in the UK.

Posted by ReignmondA highly biased selection.

Posted by ReignmondI read this back in 2018. Absolutely loved it. It is an oddly small sized book, so it is good to travel with. []

Posted by ReignmondI read this back in 2018. Absolutely loved it. It is an oddly small sized book, so it is good to travel with. []

Posted by ReignmondA short Sci-Fi that is quite good even though it will only take about an hour to read. It is also kinda cheap. []

Posted by ReignmondLooking again at this book reminds me that I wanted to re-listen to it again.

Posted by ReignmondThis freebie ebook from Gutenberg Press and by the Master Sci-Fi writer Philip.

Posted by ReignmondAt Home: a short history of private life by Bill Bryson. An enjoyable book about everyday things we don't even think about. []

Posted by ReignmondAt Home: a short history of private life by Bill Bryson. An enjoyable book about everyday things we don't even think about. []

Posted by ReignmondJust finished Bomber Mafia written by my genetic 4th cousin on both of our Fathers' side.

Posted by ReignmondI read this back in about 1983.

Posted by ReignmondVery good. I have noticed that 12 step programs are ineffective. []

Posted by ReignmondActually read this some time ago (46 years) while trying to figure out why I simply could not believe in Jesus or God or anything else I was being told by Bible Thumpers.

Posted by ReignmondThis is one of my very most favorite books.

Posted by Julie808I'm currently reading "The Power Worshippers" by Katherine Stewart. Is anyone else reading this?

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