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Some days everyone hates your art, ignores your writing, and can't be bothered to know you.

It's your job to keep being magnificent anyhow.

I need a discouraged emoji right here.

Lysistrata 7 May 6
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So long as you love the art you're making, and retain a channel through which the creative force may flow, you will outlast the dry season. Create, create, create, and eventually an appreciative audience will find you.

rcandlish Level 7 May 31, 2018

I used to have a gallery. I feel your pain. I exhibited a lot of local artists. I had themed shows and foot traffic through the gallery was awesome. But getting people to buy was another story. I would cut my commission before I would ask an artist to lower their price. I exhibited my photography sometimes. A lot of people think photography should be really cheap but no one takes into consideration developing, matting, framing, etc etc.
Keep the faith and know that being creative is an essential part of life. We need people like you to keep our planet healthy, connected, and inquisitive!


Art is harder to sell than gasoline or bullets. ....peace romance and capturing still life on canvass or film or sculpture has for millenia relied upon patronage and institutions to feed an artist or preserve a gallery/studio. ...even a Van Gogh family art dealer could not break through contemporary "tastes" to reward Vincent passion for color

Yeah, but no one wants to go out like van Gogh.

@Lysistrata Vincent Van Gogh is alleged to have abused the drug DIGITALIS linked to his obsessions with yellow paint. in farm communities helped keep him in food at lower prices than in cities. ...but that kept him away from peers and buyers and thus making a living as a portrait artist or decorator

@GreenAtheist That pleasantly leaves out the poverty, financial dependence, mental illness, self-mutilation, and obscurity. But yeah, I'm all about cheap food.

@Lysistrata I wish I could afford to eat in vegan café all the time and my health would improve and the meat market
would shrink a bit more ....eating healthy is a high art like home decorating and the talents of painters sculptors and other media experts

@Lysistrata I agree with that but I remember a Van Gogh exhibit entitled Van Gogh Up Close. I stood in the gallery and tears ran down my face looking at "Rain". An artist has the power to cause reactions, start a dialogue, soothe emotions or stir them into fire. Yes, you are that powerful. I know that isn't helping you pay the bills but right now it is all I have to offer you


It is impossible to be discouraged if you know how the real world works. Disappointment, which is often followed by discouragement is a product of a lack of understanding the manner in which the real world works and unrealistic expectations of it. This is something that is all too common in the creative legions who occupy a zone of "as it should be" as opposed to the "as it is".

I resemble that remark


I'm sorry you're having a tough time. Just remember, this too shall pass. Wine a little, you'll feel better.

Thanks, Hippie. I hope so. I'm feeling pretty alone today.

@Lysistrata I feel your pain, BTDT.

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