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The State of the Union address turned upside down. What's the KKT index. It's not so rosey.

Harry Dent Jr, financial strategist and author of "The Great Depression Ahead" and "Zero Hour," joins Rick Sanchez to share his expertise. He argues that stimulus spending has created a "financial asset bubble" that is going to result in a worse crash than that of 2008.

How did Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana come from fourth place to become frontrunner of the 2020 Iowa Caucus? RT America's Michele Greenstein examines Buttigieg's ominous connections to the Defense Dept. and US intelligence community. They also discuss evidence of voter suppression in the Iowa Caucus.

Apparently a Black Hawk County supervisor (Chris Schwartz) posted their numbers on social media (Facebook). BUT, they didn't match up with the numbers posted by IDP. Get the popcorn out while Michele Greenstein explains this.

I found the first 2 segments of The Rick Sanchez show were quite relevant to addressing a wild start of this week.


More on the Iowa quagmire from Caitlin Johnstone.

The Myth Of Incompetence: DNC Scandals Are A Feature, Not A Bug


The flaw in this expectation is its premise that Democratic Party elites care if their party wins in November. They do not.

Put yourself in the shoes of one of the leading movers and shakers within the Democratic Party for a minute. Pretend you’re getting a nice paycheck, pretend you’re getting great healthcare benefits, pretend you get plenty of prestige and exclusive access and invitations to classy parties. And pretend you’re the type of person who’s willing to manipulate and deceive and kiss up and kick down and do whatever it takes to get to the top of such a structure.

Now ask yourself, if you were such a person in such a situation, would you care if voters pick Donald Trump or Pete Buttigeig in November? Would it affect your cushy lifestyle in any way whatsoever? Would you lose your job, your prestige or your influence? No party elites lost those things in 2016. Why would you expect this time to be any different?

In other Caitlin Johnstone words. They aren't fighting for you, they are fighting against you.

William_Mary 8 Feb 6
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