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I've been working part time at a tiny elementary school (27 students total grades K-6) in a rural village in Sweden for a few months and I have really grown to dislike the "inclusive" system Sweden's education system uses. There is no bartering system - the problem children are treated practically the same as the well behaved students and they continue to cause problems day after day. No wonder Sweden's education system has taken a dive. Parents need to kick it up a notch in teaching their own children because they are not going to be so well equipped from school. The teachers have all acknowledged the inclusive system isn't great, and they have requested special assistance for children many times from the commune, which the commune has failed to provide. As a result the entire class suffers.

repubatheists 7 Sep 11
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Sounds like the influx of disparate cultures has created the same problems we see in the school systems here.

All children are to be treated equal partially for integration purposes. Though Swedish students often lag the system as well because there is a lack of competitive mentality. Example, the worst presentations I have ever seen were given by Swedish students in their senior year of high school. It seemed that the first group set the bar for other groups, and that bar was low. I thought the students would try to be better than the first group, but they ended up all performing the same.

The two top performing students at my school have an immigrant parent, and have darker skin and darker hair than the other students. It is obvious their parents have taken the time to work with them. Parents' contribution to educating their children is also a factor, which many parents today just let their kids play video games and do not learn how to interact with other children.

So, instead of my thought, it sounds like you're saying socialism kills the desire to excel. If there's no tangible reward for striving... why bother.

@bigpawbullets Right, even without immigration I think Sweden's education system would still be doing poorly because there is a lack of incentive.

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Posted by DarrelScottHistorically correct

Posted by repubatheistsWith gratitude to those who served.

Posted by onlyifVoted RED wave all the way. :)

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Posted by DarrelScottThis sums it up:

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