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I can't understand why on earth anyone would continue to support this president or this party. They are lying waste to everything we have ALL worked for for the last 70 years. Trump has proved over and over again that he is a liar, a chauvinist, and poor in business.He is a sociopath in the raw, just like so many other dictators in history. If you care to research the truth about his bankruptcies, He was born on a silver spoon and had to borrow money from Russian mafia for his hotels. This guy knows very little about working americans. The damage that is being waged on the land from every angle will take years to recover. I am not saying that democrats have the answers either and Im sure, not much would have changed if Hillary had gotten elected. But most of the trolling and bad info put out on her was created. DOESN"T THIS BOTHER ANY OF YOU AND MIGHTY TYPES. Or are you part of the 1% that all the other people in this country work for. The fact that our elections can be bought and screwed with to create out comes that the MAJORITY did not vote for, ( sorry Trump but its true) should at minimum cause pause in your greedy minds. To you women, Be sure that Kavanaugh will destroy as many women's rights as he can. Now he has a war to wage. Just FYI. The protections of women against abuse and raPe that were put into law in 2013 just came up for renewal.The GOP does not think this is a priority. Thats because they would like to see women go back in time. This should be cause for worry on your part and if it doesn't, you are a complete fool. The men on this blog probably don't care about women's rights. It's just business as usually and it is still a man's world. May your daughters rain down on your misogynistic heads.

puppylov 5 Sep 26
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Didn't Johnson sign the civil Rights act. And , we all know about his racist comments. Not saying that was a good thing.

puppylov Level 5 Sep 27, 2018

Well we're in the year 2018 and many of these crimes have been taken up by Republicans NOW. not 100 years ago. I seriously doubt that KKK members are CURRENTLY Democrat. And,for one, I never condone violence. So shame on Democrats or anyone else who carryout these types of attacks. MANY Trump supporting types are committing crimes again minorities in this country. If you are not aware of that then you don't read or look at anything other than right wing media. And really, things have changed in 100 years. I really think most of us want the same things but Republicans it's seems want to support big corporations that DO harm the environment. It doesn't matter if you don't want to believe in global warming it's happening anyway.

puppylov Level 5 Sep 27, 2018

What crimes have been taken up by Republicans?

@repubatheists the attack and burning of mosques, misogyny, racism, imprisoning children and separating them from their parents. Dismantling of environmental protections, destrying LGBT rights, and attacks on LGBT people and people of color. Gerry mandering. These are all crimes in my book.

@puppylov Every political party can be analyzed when it comes to those broad categories.

@repubatheists that's true but this is current. I'm not saying it's riGht on any side.

@puppylov Even currently this can be analyzed. I am a woman and I have been shouted down by many "left-leaning" Democrat men. Racism and religious attacks? Look at the affiliation between notorious racist and anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan with Barack Obama, Keith Ellison (deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee), Maxine Waters, the co-chairs of Women's March, etc. etc. What about conservative LGBT people who have reported being shunned by the LGBT community? There's a lot of skeletons in the closet.

@repubatheists It goes both ways. Each side makes attacks on the other side as far as I can see. The two party system sucks. The electorate college sucks. Nothing ever gets done and no one wants to come to center. People just continue to bitch and complain, me included sometimes, I'm trying to get off that train. And No ONE ever answers any questions directly. Just they did this and that and don't take responsibility for your own party fuck ups. Both sides suck as far as I can see. And mean while the American people reap the rewards.Unless you are the top 1%. So I will keep voting to my conscience and on issues that I agree with and it will business as usual.

@puppylov Whatever floats your boat.


Puppylov nice to meet you You in Nederland Colorado I have visited it is beutiful I live in Boise Idaho we both live in wonder conservative Republican States shielded from all the leftist bullshit our economies and cities are blooming with business opportunities left and right skyscrapers being built. Only an the left want more welfare and handouts that keep you stuid lazy and jobless.

That is the theory by the right. I don't want welfare. Everyone should work. It's pretty dammed hard to make it on minimum wage. It is poverty level. People should be helped out for a limited time, THEN KICKED OFF, and work like every one else. I have no respect for anyone that lives off the system. It's my taxes too. I work hard, always have and when I could get food stamps, I didn't . I was too dammed embarrassed. Trickle down economics did not work with Reagen and it won't work with this admin. If stock market and economy is happening because of Trump then woo hoo. But some of this is a continuation of Obama after George Bush destroyed everything. Go ahead, talk about how everything is wonderful because of GOP. Their main goal with Obama was to make him a one term pres. Not help the American people but play politics. I don't care which party does what right. I will vote for the right issues. Problem is they all LIE and change their minds when they get into office. Everyone is bought by lobbies and special interest and everything is about the almighty buck. But what still remains is Donald Trump is an embarrassment. Why couldn't you people at least come up with someone credible? I might have voted for him. And please don't start telling who Hillary is
It's all the same arguments and no one seems to know anything else.


I never really jumped on the Trump train, but it’s reactions like this that helped him get elected in the first place. The PC, anti-trump , social justice warrior, socialist far left, is only hurting the Democratic Party. As soon as the party realizes this, they might be more successful.

It's issues

I just want equal opportunity and equal pay and health care. I don't relate to your labels and can't understand why this should be a problem.

@puppylov Have you lived in a country with those opportunities? Like Sweden?

@repubatheists nope. Sweden has the best health care and the lowest infant mortality rate in the world. Free healthcare, schooling, and pension. What's so wrong with that. I think they've made it work. Finland is number 1 in education year after year. What do we get, healthcare that you have to a fortune for. (Yes , Obama Care is not perfect. It needs to be FIXED, not detroyed.) And how about a few restrictions on how insurance and phaa can charge. We more for our services than social programs do and there are no guarantees. These countries don't much more in taxes than our middle class do. But they have everything paid for. And people get equal care. And why doesn't the rich taxes. Shouldn't they their share? They may create a few token minimum wage jobs and pocket the rest of billions. There is no equality, which always means more crime , drug abuse and poverty . The Republican party traditionally supports the wealthy corporations and to hell with everyone else. I've always worked hard as a nurse and now that I'm getting closer to retirement age I have to worry about my SS. Which Paul Ryan likes to call AN ENTITLEMENT. I PAID THAT HARD EARNED MONEY IN SO NO ITS NO ENTITLEMENT. they want to cut our ss and privatize so some other billionaire cane make more money. People say they don't want government, well with none there is zero accountability to these companies. When Congress people went to the border to inspect the prisions they were not required to let them in and they didn't. So how do we know those kids are not being thing abused because I sure as hell don't believe they tell the truth. It CYA all day long. And don't ya yhi think it's a conflict of interest that the feds are paying theseborisions billions to house these immigrants. I think it's just another ploy for Trump to make his constituents richer.

@puppylov I encourage you to live in Sweden before wishing its system on the United States.

@repubatheists why ?

@repubatheists I've heard good things about Canada

@puppylov Canadians are waiting forever to get basic treatments.

@puppylov Then go to Canada to see what you like and dislike. Education and healthcare are not the only systems of a country. I have been living in Sweden for nearly three years and have acknowledged it is not the utopia country that many Americans, such as yourself, think.

@repubatheists never did answer the what's wrong with Sweden's healthcare system question

@Airborne2142. that's what people say but I have spoken to several folks I know from there that say that us not true. It's hard to know what to believe because if so much faulty info out there. I also know someone who broken her arm while vacation there and she said there was no delay. (There wouldn't have been because of the nature of the injury.) and she said it cost her 100.00. I broke my index finger and with two surgeries and co pays it cost me 90k. I did have insurance but co pays still cost 10k. Seems to me that's just over the top.

@puppylov Sweden's healthcare system, like most universal healthcare systems, has long wait times and lack of selection. It can take months for a specialist see a child, or up to a year for an elderly person to receive a knee replacement. I know of someone in Sweden who retired early due to the long wait time for a knee replacement. Increasing numbers of Swedes are opting for private health insurance through their employers, or traveling to other countries for faster service. There have been record shortages of nurses and doctors in Sweden.

@repubatheists thanks for the info from someone who actually has had the experience instead of just mouthing rumors.


Let me know when Sara Huckabee actually answers a question directly.

puppylov Level 5 Sep 26, 2018

Wow! What a collection of Straw Men!

ldheinz Level 7 Sep 26, 2018

You sound like a misinformed left wing liberal idiot. It’s generally pointless to argue with people like you.

Trajan61 Level 8 Sep 26, 2018

And name calling sounds real intelligent.

@puppylov You are right, name calling does not come off as intelligent. @trajan61

@DarrelScott Sorry about that. I just couldn’t help myself as the liberals do so much of it I figured a little name calling in retaliation was justified.


College students shouting down people with opposing views and opting out of their responsibilities due to outcomes they disagree with - is that what we've worked for for the past 70 years?

Opting out of responsibilities? Huh? Please explain. Perhaps you know more than me.

@DarrelScott oh, violence as in Charlottesville?

@DarrelScott not trolling. Just trying to have a conversation so I can understand your actions. Perhaps you can enlighten me rather then try to insult and call me names.thats pretty juvenile. Don't you think.?

@puppylov "So it begins: American college campuses are currently experiencing a collective freak-out over the impending Trump presidency. Professors and administrators have cancelled exams and sent messages of support to students feeling traumatized by the election results." []

@repubatheists oh, for Christ sake. They need to grow up.

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Posted by repubatheistsRepublican Atheists is proud to introduce Pedro Bonilla, Republican Atheists’ second correspondent in the state of New York.

Posted by repubatheistsAtheist Republican Carolyn Umphrey (pictured up front) won a seat on her town's city council in Arizona last year.

Posted by repubatheistsAtheist Republican Carolyn Umphrey (pictured up front) won a seat on her town's city council in Arizona last year.

Posted by DarrelScottThe enemies within. The darlings of the democrat party.

Posted by DarrelScottThis looks right to me:

Posted by DarrelScottWe are so fortunate not to have him in the White House. Now to get him out of the Senate.

Posted by repubatheistsRichard Dawkins Foundation for Reason & Science, Center for Inquiry and Republican Atheists have said "Merry Christmas." Let's end the war on Christmas people.

Posted by DarrelScottHistorically correct

Posted by repubatheistsWith gratitude to those who served.

Posted by onlyifVoted RED wave all the way. :)

Posted by onlyifVoted RED wave all the way. :)

Posted by onlyifDon't forget to vote on Tuesday.

Posted by DarrelScottThis sums it up:

Posted by GaryCauserLol....we won. They lost... Even the unfaithful have their day...i did find out where the haters hangout...on a dating site for atheist... This group seems like lost sheep it! MAGA

Posted by PinkyandtheBrainI don't know what the f to say to this.

Posted by repubatheistsSomething to reference to the next time someone says Democrat officials do not support antifa or violence.

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