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A history of some of the most famous democrat presidents:


DarrelScott 7 Nov 3
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I hate to point this out but the fact is that the Democrats and the Republicans switched platforms and all of those Democrats were conservative.

paul1967 Level 8 Nov 3, 2018

@DarrelScott I'm not sure the facts would agree with you. And Lyndon Johnson has the laudable distinction of becoming the only Democrat president in history to sign a Civil Rights Act, albeit a century after Republicans passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866 over Democrat president Andrew Johnson’s veto. I don't know why you would deny this It's easy to verify the historical facts. Besides even if this wasn't true this argument is basically admitting, yes Trump's a biggot but thats ok because so "were" you way way back then. I'm not trying to troll you but point out why I think your reasoning is flawed.

@DarrelScott The article is calling out Sanders (a person I don't want anywhere near the office of the president) for being associated with a party with a history of bigoted Presidents. I pointed out that the artical was manipulating the facts. The Republicans party had a liberal idiology and it was the Democrats that were the conservatives. The south was blue back then and now it's red. People in the south didn't go from progressive hippie liberals to conservatives. They've always been conservative, it was the party platforms that switched. The liberay idiology is full of flaws and so is the connservative idiology. I think we will both agree that a big part of the connservative ideology justifies supporting religious idiology and hinder secular ideology, like equal rights for all Americans regardless of their sexual identity. Liberal ideology is waisting tax money to support deadbeat lazy people unwilling to get jobs and pay their own way. Conservatives are making it harder for people trying to get out of the slums and make a better life for themselves. All of these problems and more have plauged the division between these two ideologies. Trump is making things worse. Liberals hate Trump with undue vileness. Conservatives defend Trump at all cost beyond what is reasonable. Trump stands their obviously lying, obviously supporting vile acts of violence. He is so sure of his power that he's willing to say he could murder someone and not lose support and he's not wrong. That's insane and there is a point where conservative people need to say enough is enough. It's not the same as admitting your ideology is wrong it's saying you don't want to be associated with Trump as a leader of your party. Stop embarracing your hate to justify the actions of this man. I'm just as hard on the liberals because they are worse when it comes to embracing the hate. Their hate is beyond irrational and I'm embarrassed to admit that I have let myself get sucked into the hate. I'm working hard to dig my way out. You guys need to own that your party leader is bad for our country. He's not just a little bad he's frighteningly bad. This man has no humanity and that isn't an unfair assessment of his character.

@DarrelScott I never said anything about that, but you're wrong about conservatives and you're either naive or in denial if you don't think I can't pull video of conservative racism and burning things after Obama was elected. I'll post it at the bottom. The fact is you can do the same for liberals. However, none of this has anything to do with my point. I don't think Republicans are any more racists than Democrats. (Well perhaps in the south they are) I see BS on both sides. My point has to do with one person and that is your leader, Trump. Trump is a racist and he lies almost nonstop. And I'm sick of watching people on the right defend him knowing (I assume knowing because the alternative is absolute utter delusional denial) that he's a piece of crap human being. He's dismantling environmental protection laws, he's not making a smaller government, he's not paying down the debt, he's acting like a grade school bully. He's advocating violence and he's unchecked by Republican because he could shoot someone on the street and not lose a single vote (as he himself once said). Conservatives listen to one news source, Fox. You listen because they say what you want to hear. I'm not saying Fox is a bad source for news but it's not telling you anything more than what CNN tells the liberals. Just what you already agree with and nothing more. You're not stupid by any measure but you are shallow in your protection of Trump. He does what you want to be done but at what cost?

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Posted by repubatheistsRepublican Atheists is proud to introduce Pedro Bonilla, Republican Atheists’ second correspondent in the state of New York.

Posted by repubatheistsAtheist Republican Carolyn Umphrey (pictured up front) won a seat on her town's city council in Arizona last year.

Posted by repubatheistsAtheist Republican Carolyn Umphrey (pictured up front) won a seat on her town's city council in Arizona last year.

Posted by DarrelScottThe enemies within. The darlings of the democrat party.

Posted by DarrelScottThis looks right to me:

Posted by DarrelScottWe are so fortunate not to have him in the White House. Now to get him out of the Senate.

Posted by repubatheistsRichard Dawkins Foundation for Reason & Science, Center for Inquiry and Republican Atheists have said "Merry Christmas." Let's end the war on Christmas people.

Posted by DarrelScottHistorically correct

Posted by repubatheistsWith gratitude to those who served.

Posted by onlyifVoted RED wave all the way. :)

Posted by onlyifVoted RED wave all the way. :)

Posted by onlyifDon't forget to vote on Tuesday.

Posted by DarrelScottThis sums it up:

Posted by GaryCauserLol....we won. They lost... Even the unfaithful have their day...i did find out where the haters hangout...on a dating site for atheist... This group seems like lost sheep it! MAGA

Posted by PinkyandtheBrainI don't know what the f to say to this.

Posted by repubatheistsSomething to reference to the next time someone says Democrat officials do not support antifa or violence.

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