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Judge in Detroit dropped charges against doctors who illegally practiced female genital mutilation, and even determined female genital mutilation to be constitutional. "The defendants are all members of a small Indian Muslim sect known as the Dawoodi Bohra, which has a mosque in Farmington Hills. The sect practices female circumcision and believes it is a religious rite of passage that involves only a minor 'nick.'"

repubatheists 7 Nov 30
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That sickens me. I don't know where one would draw the line, if inflicting a life altering cruel and barbaric mutilation of a baby's genitalia isn't that line what will be next, plucking the eyes out of children born with blue eyes? Killing every third born child as a sacrifice to God? If God we're real and he commanded me to take from my child her ability to experience pleasure sexually because it pleases him, I would say Fuck You!

paul1967 Level 8 Nov 30, 2018

They will go to prison on conspiracy charges at the state level so some justice will be dealt. As well, Michigan has state laws that were enacted after this was already in the courts that are even stricter. Unfortunately, it was not made retroactive.This is a state by state statue . Only a few states still allow this to happen. Do you feel the same way about circumcision on males?


It must have been an Obama judge.

Trajan61 Level 8 Nov 30, 2018

actually, he was nominated by Ronald Reagan

@thinktwice Well I guess even Reagan made a few mistakes but not nearly as many as that idiot Obama. In any event I hope that judge is overridden.

@Trajan61 Of course...all politicians make mistakes...I was just providing factual information to the poster who automatically went to the negative...I believe that there is no recourse to be overridden whom? He followed the law, as flawed as we think it was...can't go retroactive, so they will be tried for conspiracy instead.

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Posted by repubatheistsRepublican Atheists is proud to introduce Pedro Bonilla, Republican Atheists’ second correspondent in the state of New York.

Posted by repubatheistsAtheist Republican Carolyn Umphrey (pictured up front) won a seat on her town's city council in Arizona last year.

Posted by repubatheistsAtheist Republican Carolyn Umphrey (pictured up front) won a seat on her town's city council in Arizona last year.

Posted by DarrelScottThe enemies within. The darlings of the democrat party.

Posted by DarrelScottThis looks right to me:

Posted by DarrelScottWe are so fortunate not to have him in the White House. Now to get him out of the Senate.

Posted by repubatheistsRichard Dawkins Foundation for Reason & Science, Center for Inquiry and Republican Atheists have said "Merry Christmas." Let's end the war on Christmas people.

Posted by DarrelScottHistorically correct

Posted by repubatheistsWith gratitude to those who served.

Posted by onlyifVoted RED wave all the way. :)

Posted by onlyifVoted RED wave all the way. :)

Posted by onlyifDon't forget to vote on Tuesday.

Posted by DarrelScottThis sums it up:

Posted by GaryCauserLol....we won. They lost... Even the unfaithful have their day...i did find out where the haters hangout...on a dating site for atheist... This group seems like lost sheep it! MAGA

Posted by PinkyandtheBrainI don't know what the f to say to this.

Posted by repubatheistsSomething to reference to the next time someone says Democrat officials do not support antifa or violence.

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