Republican Atheists

This group is for atheists who are registered Republicans, or take interest in the Republican party.

This group is for atheists who are registered Republicans, or take interest in the Republican party.

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Most Viewed Posts By repubatheists (72) (Page 7 / 8) Posts by members only

Republican Atheists
Sep 26, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by repubatheists
FYI - I am an American who has been living in Sweden for nearly three years, and have extensive background with Scandinavian culture in Scandinavia and US. I am also president and founder of the organization Nordic Republicans - representing ...
Republican Atheists
Oct 3, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by PinkyandtheBrain
This is amazing Donald trump has made my 401k soar 45% thank you very much. Business Is booming.
Republican Atheists
Apr 22, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by repubatheists
David Silverman was fired from American Atheists.
1 comment
Republican Atheists
Apr 25, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by repubatheists
10 dead, 15 injured in Canada van attack.
Republican Atheists
May 21, 2018May 2018

Posted by Captain_Feelgood
Greg Gutfeld just gave us a good one.. ''It's last call at The Collusion Bar And Grill, and the media is trying to figure out what to do next''... Nailed it...
1 comment
Republican Atheists
Aug 21, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by repubatheists
I have noticed diminishing public interest in atheist groups and atheist events, and to be frank, it doesn't bother me. To be honest, I feel somewhat relieved.
1 comment
Republican Atheists
Sep 3, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by repubatheists
""In terms of scale, it's definitely comparable to the Syrian exodus and there's a chance the Venezuelan exodus will surpass the Syrian one."
Republican Atheists
Apr 24, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by repubatheists
This made me laugh xD
1 comment
Republican Atheists
Jan 27, 2019Jan 2019

Posted by DarrelScott
This looks right to me:
Republican Atheists
Apr 20, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by repubatheists
Atheist and humanist organizations are prioritizing left-leaning political views above all else -
1 comment
Republican Atheists
Apr 26, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by repubatheists
Happy Birthday Melania Trump.
Republican Atheists
Apr 21, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by repubatheists
The California religious billionaire who is spending millions to meddle in other states' politics. BTW, "In his late 30s, Steyer had "a revelation" and began an involvement in the Episcopal Church.He has stated that during this time he became much ...
Republican Atheists
Sep 11, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by repubatheists
A day of remembrance of one of the most significant events in the history of the Unites States of America.
1 comment
Republican Atheists
Sep 18, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by repubatheists
"Today, McDaniel, 45, is supremely confident about asking for what she wants: Since January 2017, when she became the chair of the Republican National Committee, she has helped the party haul in well over $210 million, more than any previous RNC ...
Republican Atheists
Aug 1, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by repubatheists
For those of you in Tennessee.
Republican Atheists
Mar 30, 2019Mar 2019

Posted by repubatheists
The Fall White House internship program application is now open. Any applicants interested in this unique opportunity must be 18 years old by the time of the internship start date and currently enrolled in college or a recent college graduate. The ...
Republican Atheists
Mar 30, 2019Mar 2019

Posted by alon
My first vote for POTUS was Dwight Eisenhower and it's been all Repubs for POTUS since.
Republican Atheists
Mar 31, 2019Mar 2019

Posted by repubatheists
Atheist Republican Carolyn Umphrey (pictured up front) won a seat on her town's city council in Arizona last year. She has been doing wonderful work in her community. Here she is attending a Vietnam War Veterans Day memorial service in Arizona.
1 comment
Republican Atheists
Apr 5, 2019Apr 2019

Posted by repubatheists
Republican Atheists is proud to introduce Pedro Bonilla, Republican Atheists’ second correspondent in the state of New York. Here is some information from Pedro.. "I am pro-life, pro-free market, pro-gay marriage, in favor of free speech and ...
Republican Atheists
Apr 18, 2019Apr 2019

Posted by Robecology
Here's the Barr-redacted Mueller ...all 448 pages of it.
Shared from General & Hellos
Jun 11, 2019Jun 2019

Posted by Rachelscm
LINKFake or not, Do you believe it or not
Republican Atheists
Jun 28, 2019Jun 2019

Posted by alon
Republican Atheists
Jul 17, 2019Jul 2019

Posted by alon
A November 3, 2019 Prediction Trump will win even more spectacular than before due to overwhelming support from many that disliked him but did not hate him and came to appreciate & benefit from his accomplishments.
Republican Atheists
Jul 21, 2019Jul 2019

Posted by St-Sinner
There is a post and comments raging here = AOC did what trump suggested... She went back to where she came from... QUEENS! Isn't he a stupid bastard? You all know that he had no idea she is American, right? Please jump in. The water ...

Photos 59 More

Posted by repubatheistsRepublican Atheists is proud to introduce Pedro Bonilla, Republican Atheists’ second correspondent in the state of New York.

Posted by repubatheistsAtheist Republican Carolyn Umphrey (pictured up front) won a seat on her town's city council in Arizona last year.

Posted by repubatheistsAtheist Republican Carolyn Umphrey (pictured up front) won a seat on her town's city council in Arizona last year.

Posted by DarrelScottThe enemies within. The darlings of the democrat party.

Posted by DarrelScottThis looks right to me:

Posted by DarrelScottWe are so fortunate not to have him in the White House. Now to get him out of the Senate.

Posted by repubatheistsRichard Dawkins Foundation for Reason & Science, Center for Inquiry and Republican Atheists have said "Merry Christmas." Let's end the war on Christmas people.

Posted by DarrelScottHistorically correct

Posted by repubatheistsWith gratitude to those who served.

Posted by onlyifVoted RED wave all the way. :)

Posted by onlyifVoted RED wave all the way. :)

Posted by onlyifDon't forget to vote on Tuesday.

Posted by DarrelScottThis sums it up:

Posted by GaryCauserLol....we won. They lost... Even the unfaithful have their day...i did find out where the haters hangout...on a dating site for atheist... This group seems like lost sheep it! MAGA

Posted by PinkyandtheBrainI don't know what the f to say to this.

Posted by repubatheistsSomething to reference to the next time someone says Democrat officials do not support antifa or violence.

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