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Just spent 48 hours on the North Country Trail in Western Michigan. Hiked 24 miles, encountered four species of woodpecker, as well as loons, hummingbirds, scarlet tanager, and hermit thrush. I even met a frog who was swimming in his personal pond inside a discarded ice bag. All told, a nice trip.

Untamedshrew 7 July 30
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I've read your bio. Congrats; way to go.

I was born when gaud was a teenager- so I too do not move as fast as I used to do. I quit smoking (get this) about 45 years ago. In the spring of 2017 there was a month-long machine rowing contest, with 24 members, at fitness- I came first with 370 km.

It's amazing that some people can't name their most valuable asset. Their car? Their castle? Their large bank account? "It is my opinion" (if that matters),if they don't try to live a healthy, productive life, they will die early and have no access to any of this worthless junk.

Enjoy your day

Diogenes Level 8 Aug 4, 2018

I LOL’d at ‘gaud was a teen’. Possessions seem meaningless beyond their usefulness. Experiences are what make us rich, right?

@Untamedshrew Yep. IMO, things of value, tangible or intangible, are worth more than expensive junk.


Did you camp overnight?

travelerx2 Level 6 July 31, 2018

I camp on the trail, usually less than a mile from my car.


Looks lime an awesome place to hike. Id the last picture some kind of preying mantis ...looks like a stick bug...I made that up, I think

gigihein Level 8 July 30, 2018

It is a stick bug, I think a Northern Walkingstick.

@Untamedshrew that is so cool. Really great shot.

@gigihein thank you!

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