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In the search for new trails, I investigated Elephant Mountain. A book from 1984 promised a steep trail and excellent views.
The spur from a bigger trail towards the mountain was faint, but findable, but it slowly faded. It had all the overgrown look of and old trail that had seen no use in ten years. But it was there if you looked carefully.
Later it more or less went away. The last bit to the summit was near-technical scrambling any way one saw best. I went down a different way and it was no better.
The summit was a big disappointment. Trees blocked the view of the town (Buena Vista) below.

For the way down, I tried to make a loop out of it. I missed an obscure turn buried in recently cut brush under a power line, went a couple miles out of my way, back tracked overland to save distance, found the trail buried in too much cuttings to follow, bush whacked more, eventually made it back to town and still had a mile on pavement back to the car.
Beautiful scenery and great, brisk winter hiking weather. About 10 miles overall. Could be done in about 6.
And now I have been to the top of Elephant Mountain. Whoop.

CallMeDave 8 Jan 22
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Sounds like a rough hike.... on a positive note - cute waterfall.

Heidi68 Level 8 Jan 23, 2020

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