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I wouldn't exactly say I was a, "non-believer," because WE simply do not know enough about our universe to be able to state... How it got here.
I do believe my thoughts on the matter are WAY closer to reality than any traditional religion.
To sum it up... Just watch the cartoon show, "Tooter Turtle."
(See what I mean?)

EcurbTProphet 3 July 22
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Anyone with any sense does know. We are NOT the center of the universe, the world or even our little spot on this Earth. When we die we will go back to the same form as we were before we were born. Why is that so hard for people to understand?

JackPedigo Level 9 July 22, 2021

Somehow I do not find myself worrying about how we got here as some issue that would solve a god question.

DenoPenno Level 9 July 22, 2021

For what YOU probably hear or see about the universe, there is no evidence.

There is evidence for what you probably don’t hear or see about the universe.

You ( with a different name ) and the turtles have been here before, haven’t you? Thirsttoteach?

yvilletom Level 8 July 22, 2021

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