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I've experienced enough things that have woken me up to the fact that basically we're all alone. Not in a bad way, but when the shit hits the fan, in my experience, no one is there to be your salvation. Hollywood plot lines would have us think otherwise with warm fuzzy thoughts of some life long friend that would sacrifice themselves for us, but who really has had that experience? We are all truly our own best friends. And that's a good thing.

Hominid 7 Feb 20
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I adopted a view of monist nihilism. The example in the post, I had the opposite experience. Where people really did come to save me more than once. I have always seen the depth and good heart of people in my life as out weighing the cruel society. But I have to say, I see things more as a form of self running from self. THe more I return to myself, the less I am reliant on others. The scary part is you lose the most valuable part of life to a truly independent self. So I guess its an experience.

argo Level 4 Apr 19, 2018

At the risk of sounding like a new age nut, there is always help but you have to open your eyes to see it. No one's going to save you but I find that when I rescue myself there's always someone around to give me that extra boost I need. I hope whatever is troubling you gets fixed quickly.

Nothing's troubling me; I'm not sure where you get that from. I just believe that we're all ultimately alone, and that any meaning we ascribe to these lives of ours is all we have. Doesn't mean I'm lonely or unhappy; just that I know I'm responsible for my own fulfillment.

@Hominid that's a good thing to be aware of and a hard learned lesson. Glad to hear nothing is bugging you. 🙂

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