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The Feared Path to Serenity.

Take me away,
To my mind's eye.
Take me away,
To where dreams fly.
Fly me home to where the heart is,
All the way back, so I can feel like a kid.
The adult life, I can not cope,
I need my fix, I need my dope.
Like a shot in the arm,
A numbness in my brain.
Just the right pill to kill the pain.
The pain that follows me through life,
Nagging at my mind,
Keeping my secrets from light.
The light, so warm and soft,
A resemblance like nothing I've bought.
All the money I've wasted buying fantasies to drink,
To say nothing of the time I've lost-
It's too much to bare,
To think of all I've done.........
So, take me away,
If just for today.
For when tomorrow comes,
I will once again run.
Running away, till I learn to pray,
Pray to the light that kills my disease, stops my suffering, I beg you please.
Save my tortured soul,
I have no where left to go.
Surround me with your warmth,
Your love, your peace,
Ease my pain, let my anger sleep.

Robert Hurlburt 1997

Beatnik 7 June 16
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Gosh, that's a very good poem. I wish I could say "Pull your socks up, man" but sometimes there isn't the inner strength to do even that. That I know. I don't know what horrors cause a person to take permanent refuge in alcohol or how hereditary alcoholism works.

brentan Level 8 June 16, 2018

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Posted by Fibonacci1618This is an article discussing the differences and similarities between a 12 Step Program and SMART Recovery. I'm curious about your thoughts or experiences between the two..... []

Posted by DeeWomanI would only change the word “hero” to “warrior” ?✌?

Posted by Jlangston70Perspective

Posted by ashortbeautyEach step matters

Posted by ashortbeautyFor you...

Posted by Marcie1974Look what I got!

Posted by Jlangston70Today I chose...

Posted by ashortbeautyToday is a new day

Posted by ashortbeautyBelieve in you

Posted by Sherri-VTI’m new to this group.

Posted by ashortbeautyChat will be open from 6-8p EST week nights Weekends I still med y'alls input for a timeframe

Posted by ashortbeautyStole this from the singles group. Thought it would fit perfectly here

Posted by ashortbeautyFind someth ing good about today and let that lead you forward

Posted by ashortbeautyDon't beat yourself up. Recovery takes time. Allow yourself that time to heal

Posted by ashortbeautySomething people forget to give those of us who've overcome xyz...Respect. So mad respect to every one of you for succeeding in today's struggle

Posted by Rudy1962Self sacrificing people tend to forget this.

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