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Ok, I'm finally starting this. I'm going to rewrite the parts of my EA book that don't work for us non-believers. I'll start with the serenity prayer. (Change that to serenity appeal or the path to serenity? )

Let us create the serenity

To accept the things we cannot change,

Courage to change the things we can,

And wisdom to know the difference.

Any thoughts? Would you word anything different? Will keep adding to this as time permits.

kmdskit3 8 Apr 23
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It occurred to me one day that proper (whatever that means to you) perspective is what enables me to know serenity. I don't think I've ever experienced serenity without it. I suspect I can know whether I have the "proper" perspective by the quality of peace and serenity I might enjoy.

Bikes4Fish Level 7 Apr 24, 2018

Path sounds too much like "path to enlightenment" which pulls by brain back to church days. I like "The Serenity Appeal"

Yeah I think 'appeal' might be better.


I changed it to "today I will have the ability..."

I like yours too. I like putting it in a communal format because even though each of us has to decide to take charge of our own fucked up behavior when we go to a meeting or talk to a sponsor we help each other figure it out. In addition: "Let us... " can include an individual's attempt to create some serenity.


At Agnostic AA meetings I used to attend years ago, they left out all references to any deity and called it The Serenity Poem.

'Poem' I like that. Still kinda leaning towards 'appeal' because of it's agency. I never liked the 'grant' part in the original.


I like this

SKH78 Level 8 Apr 23, 2018
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