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exactly the discussion group I need ,battling addiction over 40 years first realized I might have an issue after I OD at 18, took my first drug at 14 not the soft option of weed but snorted speed in those days it was called crank as it came into NZ from overseas in the crank cases of motorcycles,by 18 i was shooting up broken arse over a girl I swallowed a bottle of rubbery egg sleepers and drank a 40oz of whiskey then shot up some homemade heroin not my drug of choice but it was available id given up and didn't care. I went to a pub was so messy and in the way of people drinking and their Friday night I was bashed over the back off the head with a steel Stool head injury and a comma woke 3 days later after the blinding white near death experience and walked to hospital had my head wound stitched and went straight out to using again. Dont get me wrong it was not all hell i have had a full life and done Many Many things still held on to my Morals and tried never hurting anyone, After 3 rehabs years of trying to stay clean sober and a Useful member of Society Im still struggling immensely , I managed to get 2and a half clean years up that was 2 a half years ago Im now coming up a week clean again . My problem has always been I suffer from Co dependency with my ex of 20 years . I stayed clean cause she is my trigger and she uses meth my DOC (drug of choice). I stayed those brief years clean cause I made a hard conscious effort to stay away from her and her constant dealing flow of drugs sex and rock and roll lifestyle, If you can't beat them Join them Right? well No If you want happiness and a quality life stay home be bored shirtless and lonely that the choice I have made and are struggling with on a daily Basis . That my friends is Drug addiction co dependency 101 .. I can say no to using but find it so difficult to say no to my ex .. Yes some of you will say just get another woman and you will be fine .. Id love too only its not that simple I tried that but found myself drawn back to what was familiar and easy resulting in a lifetime of regrets and misery any suggestion comment welcomed

prezidentofnz 4 June 3
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First of all, I'm glad you're here. Secondly, congratulations on a whole week of sobriety!! 🙂
I can tell you still hold love for your ex, like she has some type of hold on you. You have to let that go hun. She is not the end all to your life even after 20 years. I know 2 people who had 20 yr marriages and ended up having to move on. They've done so and for the better. Your life is in the balance. You also don't have to sit home "lonely and bored". There's a whole entire world out there beyond your circle of familiar friends, your ex, and the drug lifestyle. Don't look for the same type of woman you've dated in the past. Look for someone with self-worth, confident, gentle, caring and giving. You are worthy.

Another thing is that you can come here whenever you need someone to talk to or to vent. That's what we're here for- each other. Here there is a chat room that stays open til midnight EDT "Singles/Mingle/Chat". Plus our chat room hour is from 6-7p EDT (can be extended if people want). Both of those are great for real time conversations when you're in need of or desire one.


I can understand and empathize with having an ex in your life that you know is a negative influence on your life but you still have trouble letting go. Addiction is a feelings disease. We don't like to feel bad feelings so we cover them up with drugs and alcohol. And to let go of someone you have been connected with for 20 years can feel like the grief you would feel at a best friend's funeral so it is much easier to stay the course and keep her in your life. I feel like you need to lean into your discomfort and find a way to see yourself as an individual first that is not dependent on your ex for anything. The other person commented that therapy would help. I'm still doing it and generally going through some trauma from my childhood. But it is honestly the best thing in my life to have someone who is a professional that can help me with my feelings and life once a week or every other week. I wish you the best brother and don't hesitate to reach out if you feel weak or lonely or isolated. Love.


You could try a therapist, Al-Anon for the co-dependency, SMART programs, Emotions Anonymous for the underlying emotional issues, talk to your sponsor, CBD, whatever works. But man do something and don't let this slide. You are still in some serious shit and please don't keep doin' what you're doin' . Peace.

kmdskit3 Level 8 June 3, 2018

Meant to say CBT NOT CBD. Sorry! @prezidentofnz

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Posted by Fibonacci1618This is an article discussing the differences and similarities between a 12 Step Program and SMART Recovery. I'm curious about your thoughts or experiences between the two..... []

Posted by DeeWomanI would only change the word “hero” to “warrior” ?✌?

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Posted by Jlangston70Today I chose...

Posted by ashortbeautyToday is a new day

Posted by ashortbeautyBelieve in you

Posted by Sherri-VTI’m new to this group.

Posted by ashortbeautyChat will be open from 6-8p EST week nights Weekends I still med y'alls input for a timeframe

Posted by ashortbeautyStole this from the singles group. Thought it would fit perfectly here

Posted by ashortbeautyFind someth ing good about today and let that lead you forward

Posted by ashortbeautyDon't beat yourself up. Recovery takes time. Allow yourself that time to heal

Posted by ashortbeautySomething people forget to give those of us who've overcome xyz...Respect. So mad respect to every one of you for succeeding in today's struggle

Posted by Rudy1962Self sacrificing people tend to forget this.

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