This is a statement of hope that gives me great inspiration. What we do not know about ourselves. It is also a statement that every Humanist and scientist would agree would recognize as helping people reach their true potential.
I'm not a philosopher and I don't know. I only know what to try out myself. I like the poet William Blake's imaginative take on Christianity and find it very useful.
intriguing.more detail please
You: “ I like William Blake's imaginative take on Christianity and find it very useful. me
Me :“intriguing. more detail please”
Me 7th oct :Any chance of the more detail?
Philosophers, What would be YOUR method that would ensure the maximum number of Humans take full advantage of this? I would hope that your answer would be more than "Just read it". Or are philosophers not supposed to have a method?
Posted by levanTrue good post
Posted by McflewsterThis is a statement of hope that gives me great inspiration.