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Seduction, comes in many forms...

Summer city smells: diesel, carbon monoxide, fast food, a feint hint of sewage, vegetable stalls and then....and then.. a pub. Clothes sticking your back from a very long long... long work. You look inside. Friendly shadows, men subdued, talking in murmurs and the smell... Oh! the smell.. Stale beer, fresh beer and all the glorious stages in between up and including the last.

You have only step inside be bedazzled by it's shade. Take a few steps in and hear the young lady say you "Yes sir, what can I get you?". There must be other phrases that are more sinfully seductive in this world but at that moment you could not possibly imagine any that would beat it. You avert your eyes from hers and stare at the pumps. She pimps them out like a madam in a brothel "for sirs pleasure" and the high-rolling john lets his preferences be known.

The Scots have a word for the anticipation you feel before tasting a malt whiskey. Well if that is foreplay, then beer is tantric . Hops and malt assault your nostrils as liquid hits glass and... like any seductress the better ones make you wait. Even when it is yours, you wait. You wait till its puberty is over and its youthful effervescence has subsided. You wait till you can't wait no more then you take it in your manly fist and dive headlong. All senses alive. Sight, smell, taste and touch as you listen to your thirst.... being quenched.

273kelvin 8 July 8
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Hate to be a pooper but carbon monoxide does not smell - that's why it is so deadly.
I take it that you are waiting for a brew like Guinness to settle in the glass? I have noticed that they now emulate it in cans with little ping pong balls. Tetleys have one also. It is ridiculous that beer is shipped out here, goes through the hands of at least three profiteers before it ends in my fridge.
I even got some canned Boddingtons not long ago!

FrayedBear Level 9 July 8, 2018

The yanks are getting craft beers now. I got a stout from the Sierra Nevada last month

@273kelvin That's only a couple of thousand miles. I was interested to learn recently that the longest flight is Sydney to Houston at about 8000 miles over the Pacific and then USA.

@Jonado Vegetable stalls in the city add to the mixture. In the heat the slow decay of fruit meld in with all the rest.

@Lincoln55 Why not. We get beer from Germany, Sweden, Mexico, USA, Italy, Belgium,U.K., Ireland, ...

@Jonado Any fruit and vegetable producer or good cook will tell you that most produce loses flavour if refrigerated. The problem is not the heat but greedy producers and vendors who do not work on achieving supply equal to demand preferring over supply, over pricing and consequent wastage.
Refrigerated, pah! Compare when refrigeration was invented as opposed to storing winter ice against the age of humanity and length of time that fresh produce markets have existed.
Go to places like Nepal where not many years ago it was common practice to slaughter the animal in the street, butcher and display the cut meat on the footpath and have it all sold before lunchtime.

@Lincoln55 Sometimes distance does not matter. It depends on product demand and individuality. We have many wines that were once called by their European names but were actually grown and produced locally. The Eurooean original still sold here and in some instances the Australian variety was shipped over there.
But yes economically it does not make sense to add 2400 miles shipping costs but again there are many other factors to consider like maintaining skilled workforce in the face a loss of local market share loss, creating factory viability through turnover at at marginal profit ....

@Lincoln55 Sometimes distance does not matter. It depends on product demand and individuality. We have many wines that were once called by their European names but were actually grown and produced locally. The Eurooean original still sold here and in some instances the Australian variety was shipped over there.
But yes economically it does not make sense to add 2400 miles shipping costs but again there are many other factors to consider like maintaining skilled workforce in the face a loss of local market share loss, creating factory viability through turnover at at marginal profit ....

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