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Ok people, I'm writing a piece on "what is a assault weapon and why it should be banned"
and I could use a little help, I'm good with the content, I think, I just what to be sure of my "format"
Here's my outline
Title page What is a Assault Weapon and Why it Should be Banned
I have a picture of a pistol with the barrel tied in a knot below the title
Tribute page list of mass shootings from 1984 to 2017 how many shot, wounded and where it was.
next is definition of an assault weapon I used the definition from the 1994 ban
after that comes a doctor explaining the difference between the massive wounds these guns cause compared to a regular gun
then it's why they should be banned again
followed by my conclusions and thoughts
lastly acknowledgments
I think I have done what the title said I was going to do, I just want to make sure
The weight of what this could do means I want to be sure I'm doing it right.
thank you

MikeFlora 7 Feb 26
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(from the League of Women Vioters website) Gun Safety Fact Sheet: Assault Weapons
Assault weapons are designed to kill humans quickly and efficiently. They have been the weapons of choice in some of America’s most horrific mass shootings, including those at the Orlando Pulse nightclub, Virginia Tech, Aurora Century Theater, and Sandy Hook Elementary School.
Facts You Should Know:
Assault weapons are usually defined by the following features:
Detachable ammunition magazines that hold up to 100 rounds;
Pistol and forward grips on rifles, allowing use in different positions and enabling spray-firing;
Threaded barrels for attaching silencers;
Folding rifle stocks for concealment and portability; and
Flash suppressors to avoid imperiling the shooter’s vision and to keep the shooter’s position from being identified in the dark.
Semi-automatic assault weapons, like Sig Sauer’s MCX, are civilian versions of military assault rifles. This is a distinction with no difference in killing power. They are arguably more deadly than military versions because most experts agree that semi-automatic fire is more accurate.
During the federal assault weapons ban in force from 1994-2004, two loopholes impacted the effectiveness of the ban: 1) assault-type firearms that didn’t meet the strict definition of assault weapons were substituted and 2) due to a grandfathering clause, re-sale of existing assault weapons and high-capacity magazines continued. The share of gun crimes committed with assault weapons did decline during the ban.
An analysis conducted by Thomas Gabor for Confronting Gun Violence in America shows that the rise in the number and lethality of public mass shootings coincides with the growing number of military-style weapons in the civilian market. Between 2010 and 2015, the annual numbers of mass shootings and the resulting deaths have increased sharply, at about four times the frequency observed in the 1980s.
A strong majority of Americans, including gun owners, consistently support laws prohibiting assault weapons. A poll conducted in December 2012 found that 62% of Americans favored banning military-style assault weapons.
Seven states and the District of Columbia have enacted laws banning assault weapons.
Bills have been introduced in the 2017 FL Legislative Session banning semi-assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. The FL Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence helped sponsor the legislation, proposed by Sen. Stewart (SB254) and Rep. Smith (HB167).
For more information:
Gabor, Thomas. “The Need for a Ban on Assault Weapons and High-Capacity Magazines.” Florida Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence, 3 November 2016. Web. 18 December 2016.
“Assault Weapons.” Smart Gun Laws. Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, 2016. Web. 18 December 2016.

TerriCity Level 7 Feb 27, 2018

These are weapons of war they should never been legal to begin with.


I'm not pro or anti gun, but my view is that trying to control weapons is like trying to ban any means to make fire. pretty futile! So, that said, perhaps another approach may work better like identifying and reducing or getting rid of what causes people to misuse "fire" or "firearms". I don't label myself as a liberal or conservative, just open minded to what may help.

AgnoJer Level 5 Feb 27, 2018

I am the exact opposite, I don't think there is any way to find all of the lunatics in this country. I am talking about controlling just one type of weapon. I'm talking about weapons of war, weapons designed and built for the sole purpose of killing and maiming as many people as possible as fast as possible. These weapons should never been legal from the beginning.


A worthy piece I am sure but from this side of the pond it seems far too tame. US liberals are pussies compared to the European left. The campaign should be to repeal the 2nd amendment. Go for the jugular. I know its sounds untenable but then so many other things have been. Universal civil rights for blacks, women and LGBTV. Ask for $10 an hour and settle for $7.50 for now.

The repeal of of the 2nd could be argued and fought for. a, It is not the 1st amendment to be repealed That I believe was the 13th. b, It does not necessarily take anyones guns away. (Other countries have guns owned by their population without it being in their respective constitutions). It merely gives individual states the right to legislate what guns are permissible and who can own them without stepping on the constitution. Just as they do with traffic laws like motorcycle helmets.

Repeal the 2nd would by a catchy slogan and would send shivers down the pro gun lobby, forcing them to make larger concessions than they would like.

273kelvin Level 8 Feb 27, 2018

LOL, Re "US liberals are pussies." Spot on! (Rather sad, though.)

No way in hell trying to repeal the 2nd amendment is even remotely possible. Getting assault weapons banned is going to be hard to do.
It was the 21st amendment, it repealed the 18th amendment which was prohibition of alcohol in 1919.

@MikeFlora !8th sorry I stand corrected.

They also said that about slavery, civil rights etc.
To the best of my knowledge the US is the only country that has it as part of their constitution. Yet other countries populace own guns. If only 20% of the voters back this, it would be a political vector hard to dismiss. The arguments for its repeal are sound. Every time gun control is muted, you run into the 2nd amendment. Call for its repeal and you might get some real reform instead of the farting around that you have now.

The US left are very weak. If you only go for what you think you can get, then you always get far less. Go for what is impossible and see how far you can push it.


I can't tell what it is you are asking for nor did I see a question in there. It seems that it's more of a statement about what you intend to say.

Wrytyr Level 7 Feb 26, 2018

The most fundamental 'good advice', besides knowing good spelling and grammar, for a writer is 'write about what you know'.

If you know little, as you admit here about your topic, maybe another more familiar one could enable a successful outcome. Advocacy must have persuasive power that comes with thorough knowledge of both sides or your piece won't reach beyond just 'preaching to the choir'.

Silver1wun Level 7 Feb 26, 2018

The only part that I wasn't well versed in was the damage these weapons do. The idea is to show these weapons have no practical use. One bullet alone does an enormous amount of damage, think about how much damage a bunch of bullets would do.
That kind of thing

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