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I have literally just killed someone. Not actually of course in that I am going to prison but on the page.
My ex fucked me up because she was fucked up herself and she is walking down a very dark road. I cannot walk with her so I wrote a short story in which she dies and emailed her it This is the most cruelest / loving thing I have ever done. My reasons were several. I never want to see or hear from her again and this will do exactly that. I still care for her and even though I cannot be with her. I do want to try and keep her safe from harm. Perhaps the anger that my email caused in her will make her think twice about some choices, I can only hope so.
I got a very angry and vitriolic text back. To which I did not reply in kind but sent this.
"I've just killed you
Be strong
Prove me wrong

So my question is. Have any of you guys ever killed someone? Like Hemingway did in "Farewell to arms"

273kelvin 8 Mar 19
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Was it you that killed her in the story, or was it someone else she encountered due to the dark path she is going down, i.e. a loan shark or drug dealer or some such?

If it was the later, then perhaps an alternative would have been to cast her role as someone else who was still easily recognisable to her as either herself, or someone very much like her. This could be presented as a ‘It happened to someone just like you, so it could happen to you too’ scenario.

Nomad Level 6 Mar 19, 2019

I do not appear in the story. Killers unknown. It was a private story for her eyes only. I did not use her real name but its obvious its her.


I'm flabbergasted.

I guess I've never inspired someone to break up with me that hard - but that's a very harsh way to break up with someone.

Couldn't that be misconstrued as a direct threat?

I know that's not your question. But I'm glad I've never been on the receiving end of such an email.

RavenCT Level 9 Mar 19, 2019

We have had an off on relationship for years. It has nearly killed me and I did not want any chance of her sneaking back into my life. She has not been shy of giving me both barrels on too many occasions. A short snippet of my preface to the story went like this. "The scorn that you have heaped on me used to have me doubt myself. Yes I have many faults.....and I can be hurtful when hurt. Yet now that the dust is settled I can see that most of our quarrels have been about things you have done and things that I have said. Perhaps it is not me that disgusts you as much as your reflection through my eyes".
The road she traveling down is not something I would want to make public but suffice to say it has dangers. I only hope that her anger towards me keeps her safe.

And no it was not a threat. It was a cautionary tale linking things she has already done, with things I know other people on the same path have done who have died as a result

I would have taken it as a threat as well. Kelvin, women are literally killed by partners and ex?partners every day. You just can't say stuff like that man.

@OpposingOpposum I would agree. It's passive agressive at best, and I think a judge (especially if your ex actually came to harm in fashion of how you wrote) would view your story as evidence. If you can't stand being with someone, even if you think you love them, DON'T BE WITH THEM.

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