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Hello all,
I'm a published playwright and am working on a couple of novels. I've done short stories and poetry, but nothing published in those areas yet. I'm hoping to finish the first of my novels soon, but I'm not really sure where to go from there. I've published the first few chapters on things like wattpad and bookboro, but I'm not really savvy with social networking, so they largely have gone unread and uncommented upon.
Anyway, I'm not entirely sure what I'm here for other than just to commiserate with other struggling writers and maybe find some inspiration and camaraderie.


JasBrimstone 4 Apr 23
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Hi Jas -- I suppose we're all struggling writers until that publisher sends you that letter saying, "I love your Harry Potter premise! Can you write a dozen more and give us the movie rights?" Unfortunately, once they've found their J.. Rowling/Stephen King/Jeffrey Archer or rediscovered Tolkien that's the end of that, they don't need anyone else whether he or she is a good writer or a genius. (The business people who make these decisions wouldn't know it anyway.) So, best just to please yourself, and only "struggle" to be the best writer you can be. Is there any reason why you're spreading yourself around a number of genres? If you have a favorite genre or think you might be on the way, a step or two away, to "finding your voice" it might be best to stick to one.

Garbonza Level 6 Apr 24, 2019

Thank you for your thoughtful response.

Yeah, I'm not really looking for fame and fortune with my writing (certainly wouldn't turn it down, though!). To answer your questions, I think the reason I work in so many genres is that I just have a compulsive need to create (I also create visual art as well). Poetry and short stories give a sort of "instant gratification" when I'm struggling with the longer, overarching stories of novels.
I mostly write for two reasons - 1: the compulsion to create, and 2: to please myself.
I read somewhere that "if you can't find the kind of story you like, you should write it yourself." So that's what I try to do.
Right now, though, I am trying to focus mainly on finishing one novel. I will admit to getting sidetracked occasionally, but I really am trying to get just that one finished right now.

@JasBrimstone I usually have more than one project on the go too -- Helps if you're momentarily tired of one, lacking in inspiration in one just to switch files. Even if you're just in that mood, you can go back to it. Currently I'm finishing off two short stories and a sonnet (that one probably won't be accepted) for a local anthology, and at the same time taking notes freehand as they occur to me to add to my short novel on contemporary street life -- and that includes noting ideas or passages of dialogue, whatever, no matter where I am -- at the bus stop, on the bus, at the office, even at home!


let's see what you have

TheDoubter Level 9 Apr 23, 2019

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