5 3

I travel between Brookings, OR, North Bend, OR and Eugene, OR about every 2 months. I've been thinking of offering a reading and book signing at the libraries in between. I'm really shy so this idea makes me really uncomfortable.

BermaMatteson 4 Sep 3
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I'm a librarian in Oakridge, OR and love to read. What kind of books do you write. I favor historical fiction. What are titles to your books.

chasesbear Level 1 Dec 26, 2019

Thanks for asking! My novel is MAURI'S BIRDS. (On Amazon) []


I can think of lots of proverbs for you to mull over.
" Nothing venture, nothing win", "fortune favours the bold", "actions speak louder than words" .......
So gird up thy loins, put pen to paper, take a deep breath and "Just do it".

Petter Level 9 Sep 8, 2019

Mauris Birds lovely novel of nature and a beautiful mind

Thank you! What a nice thing to say!


Do you have an agent who can introduce you handle the the door and boxed books and library Committee folks so you can concentrate on your audience and reading aloud your fine work on chosen pages ? Does your speaking voice match your written voice ? Can you imagine book signing is much like talking to a store clerk about what you are buying ONLY YOU'RE trading places this time....You are the first shy published Atheist I have been asked an audience question....please tell us about your book/s ....its good practice for your library gigs

Once I start talking about Mauri I have no problems. Or even talking about the other book I'm working on. What I'm uncomfortable about is contacting the libraries and scheduling the time and travel. The libraries are mostly in rural areas and I think will welcome a speaker. The comments here are helping. It's time for the Nike slogan. Just do it.

@BermaMatteson have you done any fundraising for Autism groups ? Joint appearances or invited to book fairs ? C-SPAN covers many library fairs and book fairs of many featured authors....How high are you ranked by NY TIMES ???? IT'S important for Atheist authors to compete with authors who add religion to important subjects like autism....THE LIFE OF THE HUMAN MIND does not belong to Pinnochio or geebush jeehobah ghostholes


Any author who is serious about selling product needs to get over being shy/nervous/uncomfortable when it comes to dealing with the public. That doesn't mean you have to become the 'life of the party' or a slick showman, but it does mean starting the process and continuing it. Fortunately, Oregon is a friendlier atmosphere in general than many places. Before you do it, make sure you have your delivery and presentation in order. I wish you kindly audiences and fair weather.

Thank you. The book is on Amazon and I do a few promotions there several times a year. I have never felt that promoting regionally is particularly fruitful. I think it's the rural nature of our area that I'd like to reach out to. I'm uncomfortable about contacting the libraries, scheduling the time and travel. The libraries are mostly in rural areas and I think will welcome a speaker. The comments here are helping. It's time for the Nike slogan. Just do it.

@BermaMatteson This reminds me of myself. A few years ago I volunteered for Age Concern in this country, and got assigned to transporting an old fella around shopping and to church. I fancied myself a bit of a singer too (wanting to stretch my wings from being a part-time amateur band singer), but was very cagey about going solo -- and what's more a cappella, apart from my bongo accompaniment. Not a great look. The Age Concern rep acted like she'd never heard of performing for sick old people in hospital before, and made me feel so uncomfortable. Finally she asked, so you're going to sing to people in bed? Out of steam by then, I could only meekly answer, "Oh, not while they're awake!" and pretended to laugh it off, lamely.

In terms of reading for people, I was only ever brave enough to get into character when reading for my mother when she was mostly blind and almost on her last legs. It was passages from an English period piece from Georgette Heyer, her favourite. She didn't appreciate and asked what was wrong with my voice -- though I pride myself on doing an upper-crust English accent after living more than half a century in a British colony intent on outdoing the English for snobbery.

All I know is, it has to be at least heart-felt or soulful, otherwise take a slightly over-the-top performance approach and go into character. If you can't do either of those, be a bit wary. Though I could be wrong about US audiences, could be quite appreciative compared to here -- listening audiences here are very tough, though kids' story readers can get away with the most extraordinary talking-down-to attitude.

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