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Any advice on how to break into professional writing? I have this dream I'd like to figure out how to pursue: to write a story that someone pays money to read (and doesn't regret doing so by the end of it). No previous experience beyond personal projects

Nakedterror 6 Sep 11
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@NakedTerror, so many of us dream of making a living with our writing!
I have been published in many English language newspapers and magazines here in La Paz. I have just finished up a five year stint writing for a local paper that morphed into a glossy magazine.
I am now concentrating on writing for my coaching business. I have one published ebook that sold some. The cover is being revamped and it will be made Kindle ready and put on Amazon. I have two companion ebooks in the works. And I am about to revive my blogs. This part of my life has been I hiatus since my husband died 14 months ago. He was my editor. He was a professional editor.
I also like to write slice of life humor pieces. Those were always popular among my readers.
Write everyday, and hone your skills and voice.
I am taking my own advice here.
Keep writing and follow your dream.

BajaSusana Level 5 Sep 12, 2019

Unfortunately, this field also requires a modicum of skill and talent. I too have had lots (hundreds) of letters, comments and such in local papers (Seattle Times and PI) as well as numerous other publications. I got my start with my 2nd partner. She was good at grammar and would go over my writings and get me to see things from another's perspective. This helped a immensely. Later another friend helped to guide me. Lastly, my late partner (from Iran and to who English was a 2nd language) was amazing verbally but had problems with writing. But she still proved great with ideas and, more importantly, inspiration. Now it's just me stumbling along as best I can. A best or even OK seller is never coming from me.
BTW a great article about your area recently appeared in the latest "Smithsonian." I have some connections one of which is my area to yours. This article really moved me. []

@JackPedigo Thank you for the article. I should re-read log of the Sea of Cortez. Steinbeck and Jacques Cousteau are local heroes.We have a sometimes wonderful restaurant called Steinbeck's that has the aura of Cannery Row(Moneterey, Ca). There is a case displaying photos, maps and some first editions of his books. What is your connection to La Paz?
I do not think that I have a book length novel in me. I have been remiss with my daily writing.
A Mexican friend and I have talked about how speaking with an accent means bravery:being willing to make mistakes in someone else's native tongue. And speaking with an accent, or not being able to write in a second language does not render your thoughts and ideas useless. It is humbling to live in another culture. It is heart and mind opening as well.

Thanks for the advice! I have been writing every day, for sure. Its hard to know if it's any good, I havent really shared anything beyond the random social media posts for my business and family. I appreciate the encouragement

@BajaSusana The connection was simply the boat which was important for your area and will be moored there when it is refurbished and the town of Port Townsend (in the article). It's a nearby town on our peninsula and is famous for it's wooden boats.

I know all about living in another culture and speaking a 2nd language. I lived in Germany 15 years and my accent was furchtbar (terrible). I wanted vocabulary and did not care much about my Ami accent.

I wonder, is there a ferry from La Paz to the mainland?

@JackPedigo yes there is a ferry from Topolobambo and it is a long. Grueling ride. You can drive straight down hiway 1 to La Paz, or fly on many different airlines via Mexico City or non stop to Cabo San Lucas and then catch a shuttle or rental a car to La Paz. Most people that take the ferry say it is misery.

@BajaSusana Sorry about that. Here our ferries are pleasurable and this state has the largest system in the country and third largest in the world. The Canadians (BC) also has a big ferry system that often works with ours. If the 2 were taken together it would be the largest.
I had a friend that settled in Tasmania. She said the ferry from Tasmania to Australia was also a long ferry that took overnight and required a berth. Obviously this is an interest of mine.

@BajaSusana I just checked and the boat seem nice. 6 times a week and a 7 hour run. Interesting.


@Nakedterror -- There are many different ways to be a professional writer. The professional element simply means making a living at it. In your post you say write a story that somebody pays for and that says to me you'd like to write fiction. Is that right?

By the way, I grew up in Oregon and don't recall a Tatooine. I know there are several around the world and one in Death Valley, CA, but I don't know of one in OR. Enlighten me.

Just a reference to a galaxy far far away...Luke Skywalker called his home planet of tattooine the armpit of the universe, that's how I feel about my town sometimes.
Thank you for the response! Yes, fiction is probably where most of my energy goes when I write, but I've also been taking an interest in a family memoir of sorts.

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