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I am writing a post here this morning (6.41am) -- totally out of ideas 'cos only on my first cup of coffee -- in order to see if I can get myself off 6.1 points. Usually it takes me more than a month to move 0.1 points so this is a test run writing about nothing in contrast to my usual thoughtful utterances which might be lacking in substance but sometimes do the trick for some people and get them commenting. Would be interesting to see if any of you have had a similar experience of stalled progress points-wise. This might even usher in a new era for me of initiating posts instead of putting so much effort into reacting and commenting on others' -- and not always about nothing, but if it works, why not? So, here goes.

Garbonza 6 Dec 29
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posting gets you more points

TheDoubter Level 9 Dec 29, 2019

This is not a troll question, but one that came to mind. What is the benefit to progressing point-wise? I have only been a more frequent visitor in the last month or so, and I tend to post poetry and songs, chat abit along the way. What else is there?

Kymmacg Level 7 Dec 29, 2019

Well, you couldn't have picked a worse person to ask. There's obviously some formula, i.e. different levels of points for original posts (as you've been doing), commenting on others' posts, and I assume the lowest level of points for "reacting" with an icon to others' comments. I have done mostly commenting on others' posts and not enough original posting, which would explain why it has taken me all these months to reach 6. People on 7 and 8 do have increased benefits but for the life of me I can't remember what they are. But the number of people on 8 who seem to do not much more than say "Welcome" or utter well-worn cliches at every opportunity appear to be the best rewarded. Don't mind me -- I just wanted something to complain about is all.

@Garbonza LOL Gotcha. You now have the satisfaction of having cheese with your whine. Enjoy!

@Garbonza -- 8.4 here and aside from the T-shirt and pen, pointless points are pointless.

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