7 5

I was writing humor pieces for publication in print and online for a few years there...hit a slump and trying to get funny's like trying to grow hair.

mudhen 6 Apr 5
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UK silly/game shows give us some of the funniest bits on the planet.
Start with Graham Norton:

"eight out of ten cats" is also Hilarious.

The reason to watch these is to get unusual ideas for a US audience.

JacarC Level 8 Apr 6, 2018
0 With an all access pass you can view any of the classes. Including steve martin and soon apatow.

James paterson's lectures are often funny.

I suggest this because it is always interesting to listen to other describe their processes. And while they are doing so, they will say greatly funny bits, without knowing.

Find some Lewis Black conversations.

I have two friends whom it is difficult to talk with. We started laughing about something crazy and cannot stop. Ya got a funny friend? A strange relative that no one want to visit? Visit them and record your conversations. I use a digital recorder that has USB. I copy to the computer, use Dragon to translate. This is great because Dragon has no clue about non-ordinary speech. I get some great stuff from the wrong translations.

Phone auto complete: "She's sitting out back on the dick."

I hope she is having fun.

JacarC Level 8 Apr 6, 2018

Yeah, humour is about the hardest genre to write, mudhen. And knowing your audience is critical.


The last humorous piece I wrote was on here. Some guy was convinced that 9/11 was an Israeli plot. Like most conspiracy nut jobs he refused to be confused by facts, so I used humor instead and imagined the senario. " Mr Bin Lardon, nice cave you have here but oy vey vot a schlep. My feet and ach my back but I mustn't complain.... " You get the idea.

273kelvin Level 8 Apr 6, 2018

In my case. if I need to free up my mind, there's a perfect place to do that.
It's a place where you cannot be interrupted or distracted, and where there is even paper to hand. Your mind is free to wander while you sit. I've done a lot of my best work there, scribbling first drafts on the paper I found. So lock yourself in the toilet and dream. Try it. Your body is relaxed and your environment cannot distract you.
Some of my best engineering and circuitry ideas started life on a piece of bog paper. I used to joke that I was a shit technician, although many of my "shitty" designs ended up in use all over the world, because I worked for an international elevator company.
Produce a column, "thoughts from the bog" or some such - then post extracts on here. I could do with a few more laughs!! 🙂

Petter Level 9 Apr 6, 2018

I've been stuck on my screenplay for about 15 years now. It'll be great.

Wrytyr Level 7 Apr 6, 2018

Sounds like my autobiography, started 30 years ago. Your play will indeed be out there - eventually!

@Petter Oh I hope so. It will certainly rattle some cages but that was never the intent.


I think growing hair can be easier sometimes. And that's coming from someone who's hair is thinning. 😉

As my granny used to say "tha can't beat a good firken with tha mirken!" Down to earth was granny.

@frayedbear hahahahaha

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