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Just sharing some progress on a book I am working on.

I want to add, and will add, that this is short story, not as much of a statement, more as a means of entertainment and thought. Please do not take this story that way, or take offense to it. Also, this story is broken into 2 parts and the title is broken up as well. This was written for thoughts.

"The Punch.....

"I don't get why people write in the modern , or why even there are so many 'writers' now a days. I mean, most of what I see posted in different groups, kinda sucks. So I wonder why anyone writes? Do they not understand reality? That them publishing a book is rather probable for futility. That they are more likely joining the billions of forgotten writers, then joining the few who are remembered. I mean, wouldn't someone rather live their life to the fullest, then give up their life for an imaginary story? Waste of time, waste of life. Don't they know it's all been done?"

~~Baden -- 1979.

.... line."

{Story is continued below.}

(Posted by Bedan, 2019--21.)

Dedicated to Baden.

Inception, waste, day sets, rises, let's go. A change, a thought, another revision, a day is taken, sets, and let's prepare to go again. Days spent that way.

Paper tossed, a word crossed, it's difficult, the length of forum, for him, even just a paragraph, he never believed my work. But I still loved him, as a brother. How does one commemorate someone well who never treated you well?

I suppose I really can't, so I'll say, that he was wrong, these works live on, and he was a person who cared in a odd way, he always thought life was being wasted. That I should have helped out the family more. He wasn't wrong, if time could be brought back, or if there was a bottle to hold time, that's the time I would have saved.

Rest in peace.

~~ Rondo. -- 1981.

"Now I don't know who Rondo is, I have never heard of his works. Yet, the outspoken speeches of Baden against writers is becoming more prevalent, especially as more and more work is being saved. I'm glad he was so out spoken, he sure saved me a lot of time from writing. Yet, I found this funny, it is the works of his brother that helped this guy become more recognized. I guess he really did care."

(Posted by Rindi, 2019--22.)

"I don't know who Rondo or Baden are, yet do you have any regrets not writing? You mentioned you had wanted to write, aren't you worried your voice won't be remembered? I'll have to look into Rondo's works and Banden's rants."

(Posted by Bendan, 2019--27.)

"Yeah, I had worthless dreams at one time. Thoughts of partial fog, covering a story a meaning meaningless and the fog obscuring utter real importance. Yeah, not worth the waste of time. After all, aren't you working on a story? How is that going? Wait, never mind, more importantly what else have you done?"

(Posted by Rindi, 2019--27.)

"It's not worthless, I mean don't you care about what you had thought? I don't think Banden is right, when he states, "The futility of writing is of no worry, the success is mute, a harbor to never reach port. It's of more worry for the writer, who has his life pass by him." The writer is creating a world of life, therefore not letting life pass, yet being the creator of life! Full of loving creativity coming to life! Hmp, my fantasy epic is going great! Oh, I'd tell you more, yet you don't seem to care, so there, be left out of knowing! Edited 2019--27. So I'm curious, what was your story?"

(Posted by Bendan, 2019--03)

"No, it's in the past, the story is not worth bringing up. Yeah, you say that, "The writer is creating a world of life, therefore not letting life pass, yet being the creator of life!" yet you are misguided. That is not the true life, that you also have the power of being the creator of your own life. He(Baden.) says, "A writer has a great use of creating a world, yet it is astonishing that he does not see the life before him, that he has the power to create a world here." Yet, I don't want him or myself to be misunderstood, neither of us are against story telling or to some point writing. He actually supported live storytelling. I am against fevered writing, such extremes that are too prevalent in "Writers' groups.""

(Posted by Rindi, 2019--04.)

"Fine if you want to keep your story to yourself that's fine! I find creating my own world way more fascinating! The freedom of writing, is actual FREEDOM, unlike life! Yeah, the same life, that allows some sexists with the name Banden to belittle people he has no right to belittle! Edited 2019--04. Although, would you tell your story?"

(Posted by Bendan, 2019--.)

"Are you daft? One get's better at life, better at controlling life, through Living life, how can one make a better life ignoring life? Also, do you really have that much freedom writing? Aren't you nervous, don't you hold rules to your work, and you keep revising. 'Freedom'. And you should fully well know that he is talking about his brother. Anyway, I don't mean any hard feelings, it's the holidays. I wanted to appear online one time, to wish you and few others a happy and merry holidays. I hope you enjoy the holidays with your family. Edited 2019--. Ha, ; ) maybe.

(Posted by Rindi, 2019--.)

"Hmm, are you daft? I can write experiences that help me reevaluate experiences, and think of experiences that help with future experiences. Besides, stop making this just about me, I write for many others as well! I write to help them! I write how I want, I just want it to be well written, even after all, aren't there rules to life? Like gravity, but I can write a story without gravity or even death! Yeah, happy holidays. Also, thanks! I hope to hear your story!"

(Posted by Rindi, 2019-25-.)

"Ha, I finished the first book in the my Fantasy Epic, most of the day spent, editing out the kinks, yet it's completed. The first chapter can be found here:

(Posted by Bendan, 2020-01-04.)

"Congrats to missing out with the holidays with your family.(?) That link doesn't work. We've conversed, a bit on here, yet we both seem convinced on our stances. (I think.) So you write stories for experiences where the experience can happen in a setting that is not realistic. yet you expect there to be a meaningful connection? Wait, I don't want an answer for that. I want this to end the conversation. You say you are writing for many others, and you have read a bit of Baden's work. Yet, have you read of any of Rondo's work?"

(Posted by Rindi, 2020-01-06.)

"Not, not really...."

(Posted by LovestoWrite, 2028-03-.)

"Oh, this is not the forum I was thinking it would be."

(Posted by WhoWrites, 2028-03-.)


(Posted by LovestoWirte, 2028-03-.)

"So here we are, hey."

(Posted by WhoWrites, 2028-03-.)


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